Drain oranges and pour juice into sauce pan with 3 cups cold water. Bring to boil and remove from heat. Add dry gelatin and stir 2 minutes. Stir in cranberry sauce. Pour into large bowl and add oranges and apple. Refrigerate 1 ½ hours or until slightly thickened. Three Ingredient Cranb...
juicy adjective full of juice juju noun the power associated with a juju jujube noun spiny tree having dark red edible fruits jujutsu noun a method of self-defense without weapons that was developed in China and Japan; holds and blows are supplemented by clever use of the attacker’s own wei...
jetty jewel jiffy joint joist jolly joust judge juice juicy jumbo jumpy junta junto kappa kayak kebab khaki kinky kiosk kitty knack knave knead kneed kneel knelt knife knock knoll known koala label laden ladle lance lanky lapel lapse lasso latch lathe latte laugh leach leafy leaky leant leapt ...
See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Beverages: This term is often used interchangeably with "drinks," but it can also be more specific, referring to non-alcoholic drinks consumed for refreshment or pleasure. Think of sodas, teas, and fruit juices. Potables: This word is less common but carries a slightly ...
The use of “good” repeatedly makes you associate this juice with positive, healthy thoughts. You want healthy and positive things in your home, and Tide knows that. McDonalds is fighting their “Junk Food” stigma and using words that will make us feel healthy when eating there (note how...
By February I had drafted the programme forCheltenham Poetry Society’s 10th Annual Awaydaywriting retreat, booked for May. This was going to be another stimulating day of writing, with prompts to fire the imaginations of the 16 poets who had signed up. Last year, we had a new venue in...
which was chiefly concerned with juices or infusions of plants; that the pursuits of the Alexandrian alchemists were a subsequent development of chemical study, and that the notoriety of these may have caused the name of the art to be popularly associated with the ancient name of Egypt. [OED...
Avoidoing has some juice, not just in usability but in form. It’s a nice merger of two well-known words (plus conjugational endings). Do is a classic basic verb that has come up from Old English and beyond that all the way to Proto-Indo-European, with many cognates in many languag...