A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
The small, individual pastry pies are filled with mincemeat, a mixture of fruits and spices, and served with brandy butter. Germans are equally as proud of their prized Stolllen. The cake-like bread most associated with Dresden and popular this time of year. It dates back at least to the ...
Although the many legends of their origin are chiefly from Mediterranean countries, yet the Teutonic nations have a very singular one associated with our Savior. It says that once, when passing by a baker’s shop, and attracted by the odor of newly baked bread, He asked for a loaf; but ...
calumet(n.) kind of tobacco pipe used by North American Indians, 1660s, from Canadian Frenchcalumet(1630s), from Norman Frenchcalumet"pipe, reed pipe" (Old Frenchchalemel, 12c., Modern Frenchchalumeau), from Latincalamellus, diminutive ofcalamus"reed; something made of reed or shaped like...
pl.) A tribe of Indians inhabiting New Mexico and Arizona, allied to the Apaches. They are now largely engaged in agriculture. Naval (a.) Having to do with shipping; of or pertaining to ships or a navy; consisting of ships; as, naval forces, successes, stores, etc. Navals (n.pl....
The Greeks (and Romans) associatedDionysuswithOsiris, and Osiris was associated withOrionby the Egyptians. It seems to me that given the paltry amount of information we have of such a large and prominent constellation there should be a more major character associated with it. This website,Osiris...
The four adverbs of direction,ingū,īnū,īlū, andītū, translate into the cardinal directions: northwards, westwards, southwards, and eastwards, respectively. The verb prefixma-suggests that northwards (ingā oringū) is also associated with movement from water toward land. Conversely,īlaor...
In other societies such as the American Indians they believe that suicide should not even be spoke about due to the fact it will increase the rate of suicide around them. When a suicide occur within the American Indians society they minimize the events associated with the death, and attempt ...
Before white men “discovered” it, the area was home to the Steilacoom Indians who used the area south of what is now Chambers Creek but only ventured north of it on hunting and and camping trips. That area remained mostly empty. ...
… a party of at least sixty United States cavalrymen — or what resembled cavalry, proceeding by twos, with a guidon flying — rode into view. A second cavalry unit then merged with the first and Lt. Roe understood that they were hostile Indians dressed in Army clothing. ...