The football game was held in Tournament Park until 1923, when it was first held at the newly constructed Rose Bowl stadium. The Rose Bowl stadium was one of the first stadiums in America built specifically for American football—its elliptical shape was modeled on the Yale Bowl and its name...
Do you need a really long word to impress or confuse your friends? Here's a list of our favorite obscure and long English words and their meanings.
This lovely Christmas bread, widely associated with red boxes stacked up in specialty stores during the holidays, isn’t just a tradition in Italy. Throughout many South American countries, Italian immigrants introduced panettone and over the years it’s become integral in their Christmas festivities...
A surprising but helpful inclusion: “a word or group of words semantically associated with the headword” (XV). This is reminiscent of the Louw-Nida NT Greek lexicon, and a welcome addition. There are also references to secondary literature, when Muraoka deems them relevant to understanding the...
In everyday English “entertain” is most often associated with providing amusement or with offering hospitality to a guest. But as a verb, “entertain” has the additional meaning of “to bear in mind” or “to take under consideration,” and in legal contexts means “to give judicial consi...
We get it, you don’t like the Seattle Seahawks football team. But you don’t sound funny when you call them the Sea Chickens. There is nothing scary about our defense! Have you SEEN Gabe Jackson? I mean, come on. He could probably crush you without blinking....
3. Productivity. Words of the basic word stock are mostly root words or monosyllabic words. They can each be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes, e.g. foot: footage, football, footpath, footer, footfall, footed, footloose, footling, footman...
kineticadjectiverelating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith kingnouna male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom kingbirdnounlarge American flycatcher kingdomnouna domain in which something is dominant kingfishnounthe lean flesh of any of several fish caught off the Atlantic...
shot" is from 1894. U.S. football sense is from 1912, earlier it wassnap-back(1880), which also was the name for the offensive center position. Slangsnaps"handcuffs" is by 1895.Snap, Crackle and Pop, cartoon characters associated with Kellogg breakfast cereal Rice Krispies, are from 1940...
People take an interest in facts when they have strong feelings associated with them. People also remember abstract ideas better when they have clear images and examples to associate them with. This means start with stories, analogies and characters. If you start with the abstract and then ...