1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder. 1. Go to the **Plugins** page and activate the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I use this plugin? = Answer to the question = How to uninstall the plugin? = Simply deactivate and delete the plugin....
点击Go to site folder 进入站点文件夹,选择 app → public 即可看到站点根目录文件 点击WP Admin 即可进入站点后台 我们先在 WordPress 站点的wp-content/plugins目录下新建文件夹 vue-spa ,我们在这里撰写代码,实现我们的功能。 准备插件信息并启用 现在,我们在 vue-spa 文件夹下添加新文件“vue-spa.php”文件,...
If downloaded as a zip file, extract theplugin folderto your desktop. This is very important as files must be extracted to be uploaded properly to thewp-content/pluginsfolder. Read through theDetails"readme" file thoroughly to ensure you follow the installation instructions. With your FTP progra...
After the download is complete, delete the plugin’s folder. Then, drag the folder of the plugin’s latest version from the left side of the FileZilla screen to the right side where your site’s plugins are (/wp-content/plugins).And that’s it! You have successfully updated your ...
1. 备份 WordPress 的安装文件夹(Backup WordPress install folder):勾选它备份 WP 站点目录下的的所有文件/文件夹。可选择要排除(Exclude)的文件夹,勾选中既是排除掉。 2. 备份 wp-content 文件夹(Backup content folder):自由地把想要排除掉,不备份的文件夹勾选掉。
The “wp-content” folder contains3 sub-folders:themes, plugins and uploads (which includes your uploaded images).You’ve probably already added themes and plugins to your site. You’ve uploaded images too. Now you know where they belong. You’ve got the WordPress know-how to reach them no...
When you install WordPress, it creates two subfolders in the "wp-content" folder: plugins themes Over time, other subfolders get added, such as: cache upgrade uploads And some plugins create their own folders, too. For example, W3 Total Cache creates a "w3tc-config" subfolder: Even if I...
方法2:在WordPrss官方插件库网站, 下载FileBird插件后,通过FTP上传到网站空间的 /wp-content/plugins/ 插件目录,然后,在后台的【插件】列表中找到并启用。 插件用法 插件安装启用后,在WordPress网站管理后台找到【设置–FileBird】项并点击进入,设置非常简单直观,如下图所示: ...
其中,“your-theme-folder”是你的主题文件夹名称。比如,如果你使用的是默认主题“TwentyTwenty-One”,那么它的路径就是: wp-content/themes/twentytwentyone 在这个文件夹中,你可以看到所有与主题相关的文件,例如: style.css:这个文件包含了主题的主要样式表,它定义了网页的外观。
In the top right quadrant, you’ll see your website’s home directory (it will typically be named after the site’s domain). Within this folder, navigate towp-content > plugins: This is where you’ll need to place the files for your new plugin. Unzip them first, then copy and paste...