Cloudways’ support for Let’s Encrypt ensures a seamless installation and renewal process for this free certificate on all your web applications. And if you’re using Cloudflare Enterprise, you might not need an additional SSL certificate, but for added security, you can optionally install the Le...
2.Qualys SSL Test 这是另一个由Qualys提供的在线工具,可检查 SSL 证书的安全性和配置。它可以检查证书是否过期、是否存在漏洞,以及其他与 SSL 安全相关的问题。 3.DigiCert SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool 这是DigiCert提供的在线工具,可检查 SSL 证书的安装是否正确,并提供修复建议。它可以检查证书链、私...
Install an SSL certificate,Simple Application Server:If a domain name is bound to your simple application server, you can configure HTTPS access to the domain name. This way, you can convert the data transmission protocol from HTTP to HTTPS at a low cos.
完成解析记录的添加之后,回到 Cloudways 后台安装SSL证书的页面,点击底部的 VERIFY DNS 按钮。如果解析记录添加无误的话,就会在页面右上角出现文字提示: Your domain DNS has been verified. Please continue with certificate installation. 同时,在页面中会显示 SSL certificate is Activated,表示 SSL 证书成功安装,且...
完成解析记录的添加之后,回到 Cloudways 后台安装SSL证书的页面,点击底部的 VERIFY DNS 按钮。如果解析记录添加无误的话,就会在页面右上角出现文字提示: Your domain DNS has been verified. Please continue with certificate installation. 同时,在页面中会显示 SSL certificate is Activated,表示 SSL 证书成功安装,且...
However, there might also be someminor issues with your SSL certificate installation. For example, you might have incorrectly installed the intermediate certificates that work together with your main one. You can check if your SSL certificate is correctly installed using a tool such as theQualys SS...
ssl_certificate /ssl/;ssl_certificate_key /ssl/;ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;ssl_ciphers ALL:!DH:!EXPORT:!RC4:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL;} 上面配置好ssl,https在目前已经是标配了,ios中如果不是https,会出现警告,甚至打不开...
2. Set Up an SSL Certificate You’ll need a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. This helps to authenticate a website and the individual or organization behind it. An SSL certificate includes information such as: The domain name (and any associated subdomains) requiring the certificate ...
在Cloudways中只需配置SSL证书,就可以轻松地为网站启用HTTPS。在“Application Management”中选择“SSL Certificate”,填写如下信息。然后点击 「INSTALL CERTIFICATE」,等待SSL安装成功这样一来,网站将获得加密保护,提升安全性,并且有助于提升在搜索引擎中的排名。 证书选择:Cloudways默认提供Let's Encrypt证书,这是一个...
5. Install an SSL certificate for a secure data transfer. 6. Remove unused WordPress themes and plugins. 7. Enable two-factor authentication. 8. Create backups regularly. 9. Limit the number of failed login attempts. 10. Change your WordPress login page URL. ...