Plugin URI: 使用自定义字段给某篇的日志单独加载 Javascript 脚本,使用的自定义字段是 custom_head。 Version: 0.1 Author: Denis Author URI:*/add_action("wp_head","custom_head"); function custom_head(){if(is_single() ||is_p...
WordPress’s default upper limit is set to 30 custom fields in this form, which can create a problem if you have a theme or plugin already using custom fields. In that case, there may already be too many custom fields, and you might not see your new custom fields in the dropdown list...
Advanced Custom Fields 是一款非常强大的自定义字段插件,允许你自己添加多种形式的自定义字段类型,比如 Image、Checkbox、File、Text、Select、True / False、Link、Textarea 等等,可以集成为一个或多个面板,支持导出字段为 xml 或php代码,还可以集成到主题或插件里。 该插件需要基础的PHP代码编辑能力,你需要修改主题...
The easiest way to do this is by using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. 最简单的方法是使用“ 高级自定义字段”插件。 (Adding Custom Fields Using Advanced Custom Fields) First thing you need to do is install and activate the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. For more details, see our step by...
Simple Fields Please note:Simple Fields is not an active project any longer.Read more. Use Simple Fields to add fields like these to your posts ↝ A Powerful Custom Fields Plugin for WordPress that enables you to add any type of fields to your posts and pages....
Plugins save you time, give you more flexibility, simplify things…basically — use a plugin if you want to work with WordPress custom fields. Here are three of the best plugins. 1. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Advanced Custom Fields, commonly abbreviated as ACF, is one of the most popular...
后台菜单自定义字段参考插件:wp-menu-item-custom-fields How do I implement the Wordpress Iris picker into my plugin on the front-end? New Color Picker in WP 3.5 先安装后台自定义菜单插件到wp-content/plugins下,并启用它。 wp-menu-item-custom-fields 的Readme.md中的一部分翻译。
supports =>array(‘custom-fields’); 这是作为数组传递的,以便您可以添加对多个选项的支持。 因此,如果您想将元数据添加到您的自定义文章类型,例如服装店中具有“product”文章类型的尺寸或颜色,您将使用自定义字段来执行此操作。 自定义字段不同于自定义分类法,因为您不会使用它们来输出存档页面。
settings_fields('dbi_example_plugin_options'); do_settings_sections('dbi_example_plugin');?> <input name="submit" class="button button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save');?>" /> <?php } 函数settings_fields呈现代码以告知表单要执行的操作,以及隐藏输入以使用nonce使...
Agile Store Locator offers the capability to create custom fields through the Custom Field Manager section in the ASL Settings. With custom fields, you can