1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/* * Add Icons Instead of Text to the Main Admin Bar */functioncustom_adminbar_menu($meta=TRUE){global$wp_admin_bar;if(!is_user_logged_in()){return;}if(!is_super_admin()||!is_admin_bar_showing()){retur...
then you know that we’ve already setup a settings page for our theme by using theadd_theme_pagefunction. Although introducing menus and submenus aren’t explicitly part of the Settings API, they play a role in building custom functionality, plugins...
How to remove a menu item How to change the order of the items How to change the menu location How to create a drop-down menu in WordPress How to add menu categories How to add custom links to a WordPress menu How to add a menu to the sidebar or the footer How to add a menu in...
add_action('admin_bar_menu','custom_adminbar_menu',15); functioncustom_menu_css(){ $custom_menu_css='<style type="text/css"> #wp-admin-bar-custom_menu img { margin:0 0 0 12px; } /** moves icon over */ #wp-admin-bar-custom_menu { width:75px; } /** sets width of custom...
Icon Image Login Map Menu Number Counter Person Portfolio Post Navigation Post Slider Post Title Pricing Tables Search Sidebar Slider Social Media Follow Tabs Testimonial Text Toggle Video Video Slider Woo Breadcrumbs Woo Cart Products Woo Cart Totals Woo Checkout...
Out of focus Browser tab flashing with custom message Notification Builder Add multiple notifications to show above the WPBot icon Select an Intent for Click Action Add links to any Intent in the Notification area so user can directly browse to the useful parts Start Menu Manage the Start Menu...
Instead, what I should have done was let the component accept beforeRow which could be anything… like an array of <Icon> components or a single one or even other components altogether. This can be used for many more situations than the one (“put an icon before the row”) that I’d...
From there, you can fine-tune a load of things. We’ll start with theheader, since it’s where most people will want to tune up their site logo and name. Modifying the header From the Customizer menu that you can see in the image above, click onHeader. This will reveal a new level...
Create a responsive header with hamburger menu and search bar toggle. Create a notification bar. Create a video popup. Create a cookie popup. Create an off-canvas content. Enhance the Query Loop and other blocks CBB provides a bunch of advanced features to add style to custom blocks like res...
Add a new menu to the bottom of the WordPress menu We’ll give it the name of our theme (that is, “Sandbox”) It will be available to all users It will not include an icon Easy enough, right? Let’s go ahead and add our menu. Again, do not simply copy and paste this code....