Our feature is not just limited to blocking access to your media files. Administrators can still interact with blocked media files through Media Library Folders functions such as move, copy, rename, delete, thumbnail regeneration, file replace, categories, and bulk move. ...
本次FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders资源已由FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders v6.2.5更新至FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders v6.3.3 ,有需要可及时更新到最新版本,以便获得最佳的使用体验。如在下载过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时联系我们。 下载地址 FileBird Pro 媒体库文件夹/...
1. WordPress Media Library Folders 2. FileBird 3. Folders 4. Organize Media Library by Folders 5. Media Library Categories 6. Real Media Library 7. Media Library Assistant 8. Media Library Organizer 什么是WordPress媒体库? WordPress媒体库是一个目录,可将上传到您网站的所有媒体文件编入一个目录。
add_filter('attachment_fields_to_edit','media_hacks_attachment_field_to_edit',10,2); 该函数有两个参数: 表单字段的$form_fields数组和$post对象。首先,get_post_meta检索现有的“media_author”值,然后将“media_author”元素添加到$form_fields数组中。 最后,回调返回$form_fields(参见Gist上的代码)。
I hope this article has helped you in one way or the other to understand better, how you can organize theWordPress media library foldersand has also given you some insights about FileBird! If you like this article, don’t forget to comment....
As the leading media library plugin, FileBird can easily handle large files and folders and organize them without clutter. The plugin will save you a lot of time when dealing with many media files. Besides, the plugin works with various WordPress page builders such as Elementor, WooCommerce, WP...
3.Real Media Library真正媒体库 4.WP Media Folder媒体文件夹 5. Advanced File Manager高级文件管理器 6. Bit File Manager位文件管理器 7. Wicked Folders 8.Frontend File Manager前端文件管理器插件 9. Filester文件管理器 10. CatFolders猫文件夹 ...
Looking for some help with Media Library Folders or Media Library Folders Pro? In this article, we’ll go through some common tips and troubleshooting to help you get up and running with the plugin. To jump straight to a specific issue, you can click one of the links below: ...
现代网站要求您在网站上显示图像,视频和音频,以提供视觉上更令人愉悦的体验。 FileBird插件使您能够组织网站上的所有媒体,从而节省时间并专注于运营企业和网站的更重要任务。 翻译自: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/organize-your-media-in-folders-with-the-filebird-wordpress-plugin--cms-34234...
Works withWordPress Real Media Library: Media Library Folder & File Manager(Lite and Pro) to organize your files into folders, collections and galleries. This combination enhances both the Media/Assistant admin submenu and the[mla_gallery]shortcode. ...