I’m just going to call that a “hyphen” for the rest of this post, just to save time. An em-dash (—) is a wide dash — the width of the letter “m” being its guiding length. Em-dashes signify a thought break, rather like parenthesis, but with a stronger implied break. An...
Powered by Google Cloud Platform and Enterprise CDN, it can ensure maximum speed and ultimate user-friendly experience on your pages. Key Features Enterprise grade Google Cloud fast servers Free SSL Free Cloudflare Enterprise CDN Automatic and manual backups Unlimited free migrations Malware scanning ...
StatefulSet本质上是Deployment的一种变体,在V1.9版本中已成为GA版本,它为了解决有状态服务的问题,它所管理的Pod拥有固定的pod名称、启停顺序,在StatefulSet中,Pod名字称为网络标识(hostname),还必须要用到共享存储。 在Deployment中,与之对应的服务是service,而在StatefulSet中与之对应的headless service(即无头服务),...
"max-glare": 0.8, // the maximum "glare" opacity (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%) "glare-prerender": false, // false = VanillaTilt creates the glare elements for you, otherwise// you need to add .js-tilt-glare>.js-tilt-glare-inner by yourself "mouse-event-element": null, // css-selec...
due too much text plus too many images. When I see that the post keeps freezing, I usually edit the rest of the content in a separate draft and then copy it and paste it in the main post. As you can imagine this is a headache. I recommend you keep your posts at a decent length...
Maximum lifetime of cache objects: 缓存对象的最大生命周期 Garbage collection interval:废弃数据周期 Never cache the following pages:不做database缓存的页面 Ignored query stems:忽略的词根 Reject query words:包含这些关键字的sql语句不会被缓存 7、Object Cache ...
In this tutorial, we’re going to provide details regarding the error messagePOST Content-Length Exceededin WordPress, including the meaning and ways to fix it. What Does the Error Mean? By default, the maximum amount of data that can be transferred via PHP is 5MB. If you are a WordPress...
很简单,在 excerpt_length 钩子与 the_excerpt 方法中,其指定的长度并不是字符串长度,而是“单词”数量,官方文档描述如下: apply_filters('excerpt_length',int$number)//Filters the maximum number of words in a post excerpt. PHP 在之前的版本中,一个中文字符貌似被视作了一个单词,因此我错误的认为该值即...
As stated in the WordPress Codex, with WordPress Version 2.5, the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT option allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be consumed by PHP. This setting may be necessary in the event you receive a message such as “Allowed memory size of xxxxxx bytes exhausted...
maximum number of simultaneous file transfers. Good to have more than one to really use the pipe. maxthreads = 5 # synchronize resource forks and HFS meta-data. (true/false/default) # I'm not interested in seeing AppleDouble files on my Linux box... rsrc = false # Filename and ...