2、在wordpress配置文件wp-config.php文件中添加如下代码:(如果无效使用第一种) @ini_set( 'max_input_vars' , 5000 ); 3、在php.ini文件添加如下代码: max_input_vars = 5000 三种方法任选一种方便的,即可修复PHP Max Input Vars Limit最大输入变量限制的错误。
max_input_vars = 3000; If you don’t have access to this file (as with many shared hosts), you may need to contact your host to increase this limit. .htaccess Alternatively, you can try placing this in your .htaccess. This won’t work on some servers, so your mileage may vary. ...
办法一: 打开php.ini 搜索 max_input_vars ,其中 max_input_vars = 1000 后面的 1000 修改为 2000 或者更大的数字,并且去掉前面的封号) 方法二: 拷贝一份 php.ini,放到 wp-admin 目录下,在 php.ini 里加上这几项,问题就可以解决,放到网站根目录下只能改变前台的设置,影响不到后台。 max_input_vars = ...
1)PHP Max Input Vars 问题 需要修改 php.ini。通常军哥的 lnmp包 php.ini 的位置位于:/usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 。 使用vi 命令或者下载 php.ini 文件,用 notepad++ 打开修改: max_input_vars = 300 改成 3000 保存,上传覆盖。之后需要重启 php 生效。在 xshell 输入: /etc/init.d/php-fpm resta...
max_input_varswas introduced in PHP 5.3.9, and limits the number of$_POST,$_GETor$_COOKIEinput variables that PHP will accept. Further variables are truncated from the request. The default value formax_input_varsis 1000, which means that if your form has has more than 1000 ...
The “PHP Max Input Vars” variable max_input_vars was introduced in PHP as a security measure to limit the maximum number of POST variables sent. It represents the number of variables your server can use to run a function. If you get the error “Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit” in...
步骤一:打开PHP管理 登陆宝塔面板,打开PHP管理,然后点开【配置文件】,按Ctrl+F搜索【max_input_vars】。如上图所示,问题的根源就是max_input_vars后面的值太小了,默认只有1000,而我们只需要把它修改大一点就行,比如修改为4000或10000。步骤二:修改max_input_vars 经过测试,悦然建站发现修改为4000就可以...
WP Debug Mode: – Language: zh_CN ### Server Environment ### Server Info: nginx/1.14.0 PHP Version: 7.0.30. WordPress 建议: 7.2 或者更高。查看 WordPress的要求 详情。 PHP Post Max Size: 1 GB PHP Time Limit: 300 PHP Max Input Vars: 10000 ...
2.尝试修改PHP配置,max_input_vars调大。因为以前有遇到过相似的问题,主要是因为页面内容多(出问题的这个页面就是模块很多,内容很多,都有点卡了),修改位置看上图,可以把1000调成10000试试。但对我遇到的问题无效。 3.禁用插件,看是不是插件冲突(其实应该先考虑这个问题)。笨办法是后台一个个插件去禁用排除,如果...
By default, max_input_vars is set to 1,000 in PHP. However, this may not be enough for WordPress websites with complex forms. To increase the limit, we can add the following line of code to the wp-config.php file: ini_set( 'max_input_vars', 3000 ); This code sets the limit...