按照命令创建一个新的数据库。但是,不要忘记将new_user替换为您想要为数据库用户提供的任何名称,并以同样的方式将 new_db替换为数据库名称,将your_password 替换为密码。CREATE USER 'new_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';CREATE DATABASE new_db;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON new_db.* TO 'ne...
show databases;如上图所示,只要在反馈中出现了“WordPress”名称的数据库,就证明我们的设置步骤没错。最后,我们在Ubuntu的浏览器的地址栏中输入“localhost”(本机地址),就能打开我们熟悉的WordPress安装页面(如果浏览器没有显示WordPress安装页面,可以选择以隐私界面打开localhost,就能正常显示)。剩下的步骤都是...
After installing XAMPP, run the application and configure the environment. In the XAMPP control panel, startApacheandMySQLmodules to perform the WordPress localhost installation. If you’re running on the Windows operating system, there’s a chance you might encounter thelocalhost refused to connect ...
sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo systemctl enable mariadb 运行mysql_secure_installation脚本来设置 r...
Database Host: localhost(保持默认) Table Prefix: wp_(保持默认) 点击submit,如果成功,则会出现以下页面,点击Run the installation继续安装;如果出现Error,说明填写有误,请仔细检查。 填写信息: Site Title: 网站标题 Username: 网站管理用户名 Password: 密码(牢记) ...
That’shttp://localhost/wpastrain our case. You should see the WordPress setup page. Select your language and click continue. On the following page you’ll be asked to enter your database details. Which brings us nicely onto the final part of the installation process. ...
| localhost | mysql.sys | caching_sha2_password | +---+---+---+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> (2)新建用户wordpress,注意将命令中的`User-WordPress-PW-1234`替换为自己设置的密码。 ... [2023-05-23 18:27:10] mysql> use mysql; [2023-05-23...
With Hostinger, you have two options to install WordPress ‒ through the onboarding flow or using the auto installer. Non-Hostinger users can leverageSoftaculousfor a seamless installation or choose manual installation instead. This section of the tutorial will guide you through each method. Feel ...
create user 'user'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSword123!'; d. 执行如下命令,赋予用户对数据库wordpress的全部权限。 grant all privileges on wordpress.* to 'user'@'localhost'; e. 执行如下命令,使配置生效。 flush privileges; f. 执行如下命令,退出MySQL。 exit; 2. 下载并解压WordPress,然后移动至...
Create a database for our WordPress installation. CREATE DATABASE wordpress_db; Output Next, create a database user for our WordPress setup. CREATE USER 'wp_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; Output Grant privileges to the user Next, grant the user permissions to access the database...