通过函数set_post_thumbnail_size()可以生成默认的文章缩略图。 除此之外,我们还可以通过调用add_image_size();来增加额外的文章缩略图尺寸,然后在文章页面通过the_post_thumbnail( );(https://blog.wpjam.com/function_reference/the_post_thumbnail(%20%29;/) 调用新的缩略图尺寸来显示新的缩略图。 WPJAM Basi...
2、设置特色图像大小 使用set_post_thumbnail_size()函数:通过该函数可以自定义缩略图大小,函数的使用方法很简单,您只需要在functions.php文件或者通过使用特定插件(如Child Theme Configurator)来添加代码即可,set_post_thumbnail_size( 500, 300 );会将缩略图大小设置为宽度500px,高度300px。 (图片来源网络,侵删) ...
The Perfect Featured Image Size One of the most common WordPress image size questions is, “What size image should I use for my featured images”? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The perfect size for your site’s featured image may differ from someone else’s site. T...
the_post_thumbnail('full');// Full resolution (original size uploaded) the_post_thumbnail(array(100,100) );// Other resolutions 如何从后台修改缩略图尺寸 访问后台>>设置>>媒体,缩略图大小这一项就是特色图像(Featured Image or Thumbnail)的尺寸,也就是the_post_thumbnail()不加参数时调用的图片的尺寸。
However, the best featured image size for your specific site might vary depending on your theme layout and personal preference. For example, you may prefer a different aspect ratio (1200 x 628 translates to about a 16:8.4 aspect ratio). Or, you may want to tailor your featured image dimens...
说起WordPress的特色图像(Featured Image)功能,可能很多老站长们都很熟悉,新手站长们可能对这个词汇就比较陌生了,WordPress 的特色图像(Featured Image)是一个很方便的功能,过去为了给每篇文章设置一个缩略图,我们需要用代码去匹配文章中的第一张或者最后一张图片,或者通过附件方式获取图片,有了特色图片功能,一切都简单...
Although WordPress generates default image sizes, they may not always work with your website’s design. For instance, if your theme displays featured images in a rectangular layout, the default square thumbnail size (150×150 pixels) might awkwardlycrop parts of your image. Similarly, default si...
add_image_size( 'single-post-thumbnail', 400, 9999 ); // 单独日志页面显示设置,9999像素为的是给缩略图另一边大小以最大的空间 在home.php / index.php (取决于你的主题设计)(in the loop) :<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> 在single.php (in the loop) :<?php the_post_...
Follow these steps to use WordPress default media settings to change WordPress featured image size: Go toSettingsin your WordPress dashboard. Click on theMediasection. Go to Settings, then click on the Media section Select the desired thumbnail size by changing theThumbnail sizevalue. ...
<img src="<?phpecho esc_url(get_theme_file_uri('assets/images/placeholder.jpg'));?>" alt="" class="wp-image-25" style="border-top-left-radius:16px"/> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- /wp:column --> <!-- wp:column --> <!-- wp:heading {"level"...