Although WordPress generates default image sizes, they may not always work with your website’s design. For instance, if your theme displays featured images in a rectangular layout, the default square thumbnail size (150×150 pixels) might awkwardlycrop parts of your image. Similarly, default siz...
You can also remove a default image size from your website. However, this process requires a bit of technical expertise, including some coding knowledge. In addition, some themes or plugins may expect the default image sizes to exist, and may break functionality if they don’t. Therefore, we...
我们将使用image_size_names_choose过滤钩子。 在数组中,我们在add_image_size函数中指定的自定义大小的名称以及要在括号内的下拉列表中显示的名称。 add_filter('image_size_names_choose','wpmudev_custom_image_sizes'); functionwpmudev_custom_image_sizes($sizes){ returnarray_merge($sizes,array( //可以...
So, you have the three default sizes. Let’s say you have thumbnail size image for your thumbnail, medium size image for your post’s image, and large size image for your featured image. But, you realize that you need more default image sizes for your pop up banner andwidgets. In this...
放在functions.php中 // Remove default WC image sizes function remove_wc_image_sizes() { remove_...
unset($sizes['shop_thumbnail']); unset($sizes['woocommerce_thumbnail']); unset($sizes['woocommerce_single']); unset($sizes['woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail']); return $sizes; } add_action('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'shapeSpace_disable_image_sizes'); ... The domain here is only thewordpress.compart. The rest are the protocol (https://), the path to a resource on the server (/go/tutorials/controlling-wordpress-image-sizes), and an HTM...
Stop Generating Image Sizes 插件,可以让你禁用掉一些图片尺寸,从而减少缩略图文件。 该插件兼容任何主题和其他插件,兼容多站点模式。 Stop Generating Image Sizes 设置界面 你可以在WordPress后台插件安装界面搜索 Stop Generating Image Sizes 进行在线安装,或者访问官方地址下载:
Regenerate thumbnail allows you to quickly regenerate all image sizes in WordPress. For detailed instructions, please take a look at our guide on how to regenerate thumbnails and new image sizes in WordPress. 重新生成缩略图可让您快速重新生成WordPress中的所有图像大小。 有关详细说明,请查看我们的指南...