通过函数set_post_thumbnail_size()可以生成默认的文章缩略图。 除此之外,我们还可以通过调用add_image_size();来增加额外的文章缩略图尺寸,然后在文章页面通过the_post_thumbnail( );(https://blog.wpjam.com/function_reference/the_post_thumbnail(%20%29;/) 调用新的缩略图尺寸来显示新的缩略图。 WPJAM Basi...
the_post_thumbnail('full');// Full resolution (original size uploaded) the_post_thumbnail(array(100,100) );// Other resolutions 如何从后台修改缩略图尺寸 访问后台>>设置>>媒体,缩略图大小这一项就是特色图像(Featured Image or Thumbnail)的尺寸,也就是the_post_thumbnail()不加参数时调用的图片的尺寸。
1 add_image_size( $name, $width, $height, $crop ); 在functions.php中,写在add_theme_support()之后,完整代码如下 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //add post...
最近项目需要,分析了一下Wordpress的特色图像 Feature Image的上传、保存方式,这一分析觉得Wordpress的数据结构设计还真是有想法。 先简单说一下结论: Wordpress中图像物理文件保存在wp-content/uploads目录下,相关信息保存在 wp_posts 表中。post_type 是 attachment,post-mime-type 是 image/png。通过 post_parent ...
Using the same method, you could also check the image size shown on an archive page, such as on the blog page or in a category archive. Suppose the theme uses a proprietary WordPress featured image size in posts and/or archive pages. In that case, you might find something different, for...
you can choose whether you want to apply these changes to all image sizes, just the thumbnail, or all image sizes except thumbnail. Keep in mind that this thumbnail is the smallest image size created by WordPress for this image. It is not the same as the featured image or post thumbnail...
The size of your featured image depends on the Divi Module. Here are some examples. Blog module with full-width layout: The image width should be equal to the size of the column width. Blog module with grid layout: The image width should be equal to the size of a single post column ...
Depending on the theme you’re using, you may see a few additional image size options in the menu. However, we’ll be focusing on the default WordPress sizes listed above. Let’s start with thumbnails. These are the tiny images that you normally see in your blog feeds: ...
add_image_size( 'single-post-thumbnail', 400, 9999 ); // Permalink thumbnail size } 不过需要明白的是,这个功能只针对新上传的图片。假如你之前使用过带有缩略图显示功能的主题,并且新的主题对缩略图的大小设定有别于之前的主题,那么以前上传过的缩略图大小还是保持原来的大小,而新的缩略图将...
最近项目需要,分析了一下Wordpress的特色图像 Feature Image的上传、保存方式,这一分析觉得Wordpress的数据结构设计还真是有想法。 先简单说一下结论: Wordpress中图像物理文件保存在 wp-content/uploads 目录下,相关信息保存在 wp_posts 表中。post_type 是 attachment,post-mime-type 是 image/png。通过 post_parent...