Astra 的電腦版選單(Primary Menu)和手機版選單(Mobile Menu),這 2 個選單需要「 切換裝置模式 」才能進行設置。 首先,介紹電腦版選單設定,模式切換到電腦裝置以後,可以在頁首區域新增想要的工具,最左側 ELEMENTS 區域就會顯示出目前有哪些工具項目,可以點選做進一步設定。 DESIGN 則會根據你現在點選的工具項目,...
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
add_filter( ‘astra_mobile_breakpoint’, function() { return 544; }); 修改平板自適應斷點範例: add_filter( 'astra_tablet_breakpoint', function() { return 921; }); 15. 取消結構化資料標記 (Schema Markup) Astra 預設會自動產生結構化資料標記,但你可能不喜歡或不是你要的,或者已使用其他外掛產...
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
1. Astra 主題是什麼? 2. 進階方案如何選擇? 3. 進階方案購買+安裝 4. 啟用 Astra Pro Theme 功能 排版樣式 Typography 色彩及背景 Color & Background 間距Spacing 網站文章擴充功能 Blog Pro 手機頁首 Mobile Header 導覽選單 Nav Menu 固定式頁首 Sticky Header ...
Menu templates Responsive Design Why choose Rosa Lite? Rosa Lite is ideal for restaurants that want to make a statement with a sleek, contemporary design and interactive features. Astra Image taken December 2024 from a demo site Fast, light, and adaptable,Astrais a theme that is frequently used...
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
48. Astra AuthorRatingAvg. Demo Speed Score Brainstorm Force 5,0 Mobile 83 Desktop 91 As a speedy and feather-light WordPress theme, Astra is perfect for everything from blogs and portfolios to business websites and WooCommerce shops. It plays nice with popular page builders like Elementor and...
1.阿斯特拉主题餐厅 (1. Italian Restaurant by Astra Theme) Italian Restaurant is a modern and stylish WordPress restaurant theme by Astra. It comes with parallax scrolling and fullscreen header background with the navigation menu. Italian Restaurant是Astra设计的现代,时尚的WordPress餐厅主题。 它带有视差...
WP Mobile Menu –Plugin con el que crear versiones especiales de tus menús para teléfonos móviles, cuando el tema no te ofrece lo que necesitas en este sentido. Max Mega Menu –Plugin para crear mega menús (menús horizontales, con imágenes, etc.), para todo tipo de dispositivos....