Allow site users to upload and share private files with you or each other in a secure way. Rich features like uploader, downloader, file stats, gallery, notifications, file manager, trash, file previews, public files, password protection and many more. Try the FREE Demo of User Private File...
在要求您停止编辑的行之前定义常量。 define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS',true); 定义此常量后,您可以为WordPress单站点上的任何用户角色安装未过滤上传权限。但是,在多站点安装中,只有超级管理员才能拥有此权限。 例如,如果您想将unfiltered_upload权限分配给编辑器,您可以在WordPress代码中的任何位置添加以下代码(理想情...
WordPress enables users to upload quite a few different kinds of image files. You’ll likely recognize the usual suspects, such as PNG and JPG. Displaying other file types, such as vector graphics, can be more problematic. Fortunately, there are a few ways to incorporate vector files into yo...
CM Download Manager– Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon. CM Answers Plugin– A fully-featured WordPress Questions and Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussi...
from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can be added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way -- and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom...
Upload HTML file to WordPress is not a routine task for most WordPress users. Since WordPress lets you create content without modifying code, you don’t need to upload any custom HTML files. However, while building and growing your WordPress site, sometimes you’ll need custom content. That’...
ScoutDocs is a WordPress plugin that adds simple file-sharing to your WordPress site. You can upload files (which are stored securely in the cloud and served over HTTPS via a global CDN), and share them with individuals or groups of individuals. Email notifications are also handled by the ...
$0.additionalData?Object: Additional data to include in the request. $0.allowedTypesstring: Array with the types of media that can be uploaded, if unset all types are allowed. $0.filesListArray: List of files. $0.maxUploadFileSize?number: Maximum upload size in bytes allowed for the site...
upload.php user-edit.php user-new.php users.php widgets-form-blocks.php widgets-form.php widgets.php wp-content wp-includes index.php license.txt readme.html wp-activate.php wp-blog-header.php wp-comments-post.php wp-config-sample.php ...
To modify the functionality of the parent theme, on the other hand, you need to add functions to the functions.php file in your child theme’s directory. For example, if you want to allow writers and other users to format their posts in different ways, then you can use the add_theme_...