csv("../Dictionaries/google-10000-english-usa-no-swears.txt", head = FALSE)[, 1] We’re now ready to play the game! Here’s an example of one call of playGame(): playGame(dictionary) # [1] "You have 6 chances to guess a word of length 5" # [1] "Letters left: A B C ...
I found a scraped wordle list in this repository of an R solver, which I turned into a CSV. We can load the dataset with LOAD CSV into Word nodes. LOAD CSV FROM "url" AS row CREATE (:Word {word:row[0]}) That’s a lot (12k) nodes.Tale...
Head over to https://www.wordclouds.com to see what kind of creations you can make. To add words to your word cloud, click Word list. You can then click Edit to type or paste your words, or use an option like Import from CSV or Extract words from PDF document to import words ...