Let’s be honest—it is extremely unlikely words like “OUIJA,”“MIAOU,”“AULOI,” and “AUDIO,” some favorites of thevowel strategy, are the answer to today’sWordle. And even if it wasn’t, they are all completed by an “I” and one consonant, which is different for all four ...
Wordlefans normally have one word they always choose to start the daily puzzle with. A good strategy is to select a word with as many vowels as possible so you can narrow down your options. But if theWordleanswer that day is filled with consonants or you can’t get a green vowel on y...
What’s the Best Wordle Strategy? If you want to try to win Wordle in as few attempts as possible, it’s a good idea to come up with a strategy that lets you test commonly used English letters in their most common positions within real five-letter words. For example, it’s smart to...
Work through the options: Don’t rush into an answer and work through the potential options that can be created via the available words in your mind or a piece of paper. Get the vowels out of the way first: A popular strategy is to use every vowel first in order to make things easier...
Encourage Strategy Discussions Encourage your students to discuss their guesses with their partners throughout the game. When you choose students to come to the front of the class and make a guess, ask them to explain why they and their partner chose the word. If they can’t explain why, ...
For those who want to skip the long and winding road into math-land, YouTuber Bentellect has a short, sweet breakdown of his starting strategy. SoRATIOfirst, thenMENDS, thenLUCKY. That's it. With those three choices, you'll have slimmed down the list of possible letters to the point ...
players can exploit. It's a good strategy to check common word endings, such asWordlewords that end in INGor EST, or ER. Making guesses based on other common word structures, such as words with R, O, and E in the second, third, and fifth slots, is also a solid strategy to follow...
We find a strategy that isguaranteedto win Hard Mode in 5 moves or fewer, using only common words. This strategy is not easy to find; only two words (SCAMP and SCOWL) can work as the first guess. Since this strategy works for Hard Mode, it also works for regular mode. ...
Related:5 Letter Words Wordle Hasn't Used Yet Wordle's First Two Words Can Be A Powerful Combo The strategy for early guesses inWordlecan be gleaned fromScrabble's lowest-scoring, and thus most used, letters - A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, and R. Add in the two (D and G)...
This could be isolated letters like p, n, l, o in words like spoon, clean, prick, etc. Five-letter words also tend to carry compound consonants like ch, sh (chews, shoes). To apply the frequency strategy, you can assimilate a chart that maps out the appearance –frequency and ...