Today's Wordle Hints & Strategy (August 17th #424) While August 17th'sWordleanswer can be solved without using any hints if players discover the correct spot of at leastthree letters in theWordleboxes, it can still get tricky to figure out the solution. Luckily, the below hints will be a...
December 17th #911 Before we fully spoil today's Wordle answer we wanted to provide a few hints to help out anyone who may be struggling a bit. Hint 1 There are no repeating letters. Hint 2 The answer is used as a noun. Hint 3 The vowels are in the 2nd and 4th positions. Hi...
Emily Brewster: Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us wherever you get your podcasts or email us at You can also visit us at, and for the word of the day and all your general dictionary needs visit Our theme mu...