[1]Wordle: a daily word game https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ [2]Wordle creator overwhelmed by global success of hit puzzle https://www.theguardian.com/games/2022/jan/11/wordle-creator-overwhelmed-by-global-success-of-hit-puzzle [3]Wordle Is a Love Story https://www.nytimes.com/...
Wordle - A daily word gamewww.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ 除了这个,还有一个猜4个字母单词的...
Guess the hidden word in 6 tries. A new puzzle is available each day.
wordle游戏网页版地址:Wordle - A daily word game powerlanguage.co.uk 因为wordle被纽约时报收购,国内无法访问,找到一个国内的替代链接:https://yundongfang.com/wordlegame/wordlegame.html?continueFlag=53d1cd9e118a8f5e30bc5b0d3b79e23e 如果之前wordle页面没关的话,还是可以在原页面玩的,只是新建页面无法打开...
Wordle is a daily free word puzzle game owned and operated by the New York Times. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word on a tiled grid, with each guess indicating which letters are correct or incorrect using colored squares. Letters on t
Wordle是Twitter带火的,A daily word Game,极简,益智,非常适合《纽约时报》的用户,喜欢看报纸的人...
Why is Wordle such a big deal? Wordlehas been available since October 2021 as a daily word game that anyone online can play for free. It only exploded more recently, after Wardle announced the addition of a "Share" feature in mid-December that makes it easy to post your daily performance...
透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Wordle - Daily Word Challenge,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 Wordle - Daily Word Challenge - gives you a free new word challenge every day! 遊戲訊息 Wordle - Daily Word Challenge - gives you a free new word challenge every day!
Wordle is a daily word puzzle created by Brooklyn-based software engineer Josh Wardle. The web-based word game launched in October of 2021 and soared to popularity so quickly that it was snatched up by The New York Times by January 2022. The game itself has remained the same since day one...