Wordle - A daily word gamewww.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ 除了这个,还有一个猜4个字母单词的...
一份关于Wordle的解的简单探讨 游戏地址:Wordle - A daily word game 如题,Wordle是一个英文的猜词游戏,玩家需要在6次内猜出英文单词;并且输入的内容必须为英文单词。 每一次提交,系统会告诉你,你有哪一个字是“字母及位置都正确”【即绿色】以及“字母存在于词汇中,但是位置错误”【即黄色】,以及字母在单词中...
wordle游戏网页版地址:Wordle - A daily word game powerlanguage.co.uk 因为wordle被纽约时报收购,国内无法访问,找到一个国内的替代链接:https://yundongfang.com/wordlegame/wordlegame.html?continueFlag=53d1cd9e118a8f5e30bc5b0d3b79e23e 如果之前wordle页面没关的话,还是可以在原页面玩的,只是新建页面无法打开...
Wordleis adaily word gamecreated by Josh Wardle, a Brooklyn-based software engineer who has developed something of a reputation asa crafter ofinteresting social experiments. Every day, the people of the internet are greeted with a fresh word puzzle that can only be solved — or not! — using...
Wordle - A daily word game nytimes.com(新址) Wordle 「Wordle archive」Wordle题目档案 Wordle Archive by Devang Thakkar devangthakkar.com Wordle Archive – Metzger Media Games metzger.media(内含往期Wordle题目、随机五字单词和在线匹配竞赛等)
Wordle is a daily word game that involves figuring out a secret five-letter word. You play by guessing different five-letter words to see how close they are to the secret word. When you submit a guess, the game will tell you how close your guess is by color-coding each letter in your...
In summary, the player played the New York Times daily word game and found that they had a higher fail rate in playing against Spanish-speaking humans. They also mentioned that the game is similar to a board game they remember from their childhood. ...
By this time you're mostly likely vaguely aware of Wordle, but if you're looking for insights into its origins, and how it became such a hit, here's everything you need to know. What is Wordle? Wordle is a daily word game you can find onlinehere. It's fun, simple and, like a...
In summary, the player played the New York Times daily word game and found that they had a higher fail rate in playing against Spanish-speaking humans. They also mentioned that the game is similar to a board game they remember from their childhood. ...
Wordle is a daily vocabulary game, similar to Jotto or Mastermind, in which users are given six guesses to figure out the word of the day. All players get the same word (which is determined by an editor at the Ne...