Get well soon cards are all about offering support, empathy, and well wishes at a time of illness or personal challenge. Whether you’re sending a get well card to your mom after an injury, or to your friend after they took a risk that didn’t pay off, here’s how to send your wa...
Travel policy wording Thank you Thank you for choosing us to look after your travel insurance. We are pleased that you have entrusted us to take care of your needs and we ask that you read this policy wording before you travel to ensure that this is the correct cover for you. The cover...
To prepare her for treatment, Sammi had to have another port put into her chest. She had one put in her when she was a baby, but had it removed in 2014. She had surgery for this the other day, and was not allowed to eat until after her operation. My sister said Sam kept saying...
card provider • provide information to close relatives, friends or employers if you have to go into hospital Other emergency services while travelling: • a 'phone home' translation and interpretation service if you need it in an emergency Please note: There is no charge for the provision ...
Payment will be taken from the original credit/ debit card two weeks before the renewal date. Please note that, for security, we do not store your full credit/debit card details as, at renewal, we will send a unique code to the bank that holds your payment details which authorises them...
Period of Insurance Your holiday or journey must begin and end in your home area, (unless you have arranged cover for a one-way trip). Cover cannot start after you have left your home area. Cover for cancellation starts from the date you book your trip or pay the insurance premium, ...
Travel policy wording Thank you Thank you for choosing us to look after your travel insurance. We are pleased that you have entrusted us to take care of your needs and we ask that you read this policy wording before you travel to ensure that this is the correct cover for you. The cover...
Travel policy wording Thank you Thank you for choosing us to look after your travel insurance. We are pleased that you have entrusted us to take care of your needs and we ask that you read this policy wording before you travel to ensure that this is the correct cover for you. The cover...
Travel policy wording Thank you Thank you for choosing us to look after your travel insurance. We are pleased that you have entrusted us to take care of your needs and we ask that you read this policy wording before you travel to ensure that this is the correct cover for you. The cover...