text-wrap是CSS3属性,有4个取值: 1、text-wrap:normal:仅仅在同意的换行点进行换行。 2、text-wrap:none:不换行。 元素无法容纳的文本会溢出。 3、text-wrap:suppress:压缩元素中的换行。浏览器仅仅在行中没有其它有效换行点时进行换行。 4、text-wrap:unrestricted:在随意两个字符间换行。
text-wrap 对文本折行,但是目前主流的浏览器都不支持该属性,所以无需考虑 以下段代码为例 <!DOCTYPE html>p.test{width:11em;border:1px solid #000000;/* word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;*/ }this asdsadasdasadsadlongwordthisisaveryveryveryveryveryverylongword. The long word will break ...
If thewidthattribute is not specified,wordWrapis ignored and the Text control will resize rather than wrapping the text. If line breaks are desired in particular locations, they must be explicitly specified invalueusing " " or "\r". If the latter form is used when specifying the value direc...
The wordWrap attribute specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether word wrap is enabled or disabled.
自动换行 | word-wrap 该overflow-wrapCSS属性指定浏览器是否应该在单词中插入换行符,以防止文本溢出其内容框。与word-break相反,如果整个单词不能在没有溢出的情况下放在自己的行上,overflow-wrap将会创建一个中断。 代码语言:javascript 复制 /* Keyword values */overflow-wrap:normal;overflow-wrap:break-word;/...
elementID.wordWrap Possible Values This attribute is a read/writeBoolean. 展開資料表 ValueDescription trueWord wrap is enabled. falseDefault. Word wrap is disabled. If the text does not fit within the control, the text is cropped. Remarks ...
word_wrap有两个可选的属性: normal只在允许的断字点换行(浏览器保持默认处理)。break-word在长单词或 URL 地址内部进行换行。 bbbbreak-word:首先会尝试挪到下一行,看宽度是否能放下,不能放下的话就在单词内断句。 .text { word_wrap:break-word; ...
是指在Android平台上,可以自动换行的可编辑文本框组件。它允许用户输入多行文本,并且当文本超出文本框的宽度时,会自动换行显示。 Word-Wrap EditText文本的主要特点和优势包括: 1...
If thewidthattribute is not specified,wordWrapis ignored and the Text control will resize rather than wrapping the text. If line breaks are desired in particular locations, they must be explicitly specified invalueusing " " or "\r". If the latter form is used when specifying the value direc...
Moving or repositioning a picture on page in Word is as simple as dragging it with your mouse. But sometimes it doesn't work. The key to getting the results you want is to selectLayout Options. See also Wrap text around pictures in Word ...