break-all break-word Deprecated keep-all normal Legend Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information. Full support Full support No support No support Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future. Deprecated. Not for use in new websites. ...
word-wrap word-wrap能取如下值: normal | break-word 以下两个示例抄自MDN( normal: 单词超长也不可折行,产生溢出: p { width: 13em; background: gold; } 效果: break-word: 单词超长会折行: p { width: 13em; background: gold; ...
overflow-wrap:normal——断点断句,单词不被破坏,可能溢出; overflow-wrap:break-word——先断点,单词过长再在末尾断句,单词可能被破坏,不会溢出。 ③ word-wrap: normal | break-word MDN 的描述和翻译: HTML: 123word-wrap:normal4These some text. lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng The lines 1234567889123456789 will ...
Full support No support No support Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future. Deprecated. Not for use in new websites. See implementation notes. See also overflow-wrap white-space hyphens line-break Guide to wrapping and breaking text...
css类样式(pre-text)样式: .pre-text {white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all; } 如下效果:(定义长文本,使其遇空格,换行符等换行显示在页面中) css中的文本换行符 从整个单词换行b.break-all 强行截断英文单词换行c.keep-all不允许字断开 3.while-space: a.normal默认值b.pre...
Partial support refers to supporting thebreak-allvalue, but not thekeep-allvalue. Chrome, Safari and other WebKit/Blink browsers also support the unofficialbreak-wordvalue which is treated likeword-wrap: break-word. Resources: MDN Web Docs - CSS word-break WebPlatform Docs...
{ word-wrap: break-word; word-break: normal;...} 强制英文单词断行 div{ word-break:break-all; } word-wrap: css的 word-wrap 属性用来标明是否允许浏览器在单词内进行断句,这是为了防止当一个字符串太长而找不到它的自然断句点时产生溢出现象...word-break: css的 word-break 属性用来标明怎么样...
.outer-div{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: top; border: 1px solid #7b8ea5; border-radius: 6px; cursor: pointer; width: 70%; user-select: none; } .select-div{ height: 120px; padding: 5px 0 0 5px; display: flex; justify-content: flex-...
1 Word wrap with css `hyphens` fails to wrap substring Related 10 Breaking words using CSS 110 word-wrap break-word does not work in this example 5 word-break within words 7 Custom break word 4 CSS: Wrap text AND break word if necessary 18 css word-wrap: break-word won't ...
Note: In contrast to word-break: break-word and overflow-wrap: break-word (see overflow-wrap), word-break: break-all will create a break at the exact place where text would otherwise overflow its container (even if putting an entire word on its own line would negate the need for a bre...