— She often rides a bike. —He is 12 years old. 7. —___ is your beautiful dress? 9. —___ are you late for school? 8. —___ color does your mother like, red or yellow? 10. —___ does your mother go to work? II.根据句子内容,用冠词 a / an 填空。 11....
2023中考英语真题 四川省德阳市中考英语试题及答案(word版) 初中英语教与学 2023-10-28 10:16 发表于安徽 收录于合集 #中考英语真题 42个 传播教育正能量,请关注初中英语教与学!本号免费提供初中英语、语文、生物学等学科有关的资料。关注...
He often rides his bicycle with his sister. They also ride around the park on sunny afternoon. But they never ride their bicycles to school. ( ) 1. Mark and Sue are brothers. ( ) 2. Sue likes riding her bicycle in the yard. ( ) 3. Mark has a yellow and blue bicycle. ( ...
1)--irbird 鸟;first 第一; girl 女孩; dirty 脏的; shirt 衬衫 2)--ur turn 翻转; church 教堂; nurse 护士; burn 燃烧 3)--or word 工作; worm 虫子; word 单词; world 世界; worse 更坏的 4)--er verb 动词; mercy 同情 5)--ear early 早的,早地; earth 地球; search 搜寻 Eg. This...
A. drinks B. drank C. is drunk D. was drunk 10. He asked. A. how was the weather today B. where Grace rides a bike C. when Wang Yaping returned to the earth D. that Bryan played soccer well 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共...
A. She is at home now. 4. A. Y es, very much B. She is a nurse. B. No ,thank you. C. She is very tall. C. Yes . I don’t 5. A. Come here, please. B. Come on, please. C.This way, please. 第二节 听对话(A) 从 A、B、C 三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画 ...
•or: word work world [ɔ:]发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall or:horse corn fork or short oor:floor door [ɔ]发这个音的字母和字母组合o a o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long u:]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui •o: do ...
or:word work world our: journey [ә](短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ureeraror ou re a ei o u ure:picture er:teacherbrotherdinnerfathersister ar:sugardollar or:doctoractor re: metrecentre ou:delicious gracious a:pandaaboutabove camerasofaChina e: open hundred i: candidate o: control polite ...
A. come true B. everything C. as soon as D. richest E. finger F. nothing Many years ago, there was a Greek king named Midas. King Midas loved gold very much. He had more gold than any other king in the world , but he still wanted more. One day, a beautiful fairy (仙子) cam...
A.ride B.riding C.rides D.ridden 3.A man in front of his car. A.walk B.walks C.walking D.work 4.Sam’s bicycle a bell. A.have B has C.having D.is having 5.The girl on the bike “Excuse me” A.say B.saying C.says D.sayes 6.How it feel? A.does B.do C...