potninformal(joint funds)(基金)SCSimplified Chinese筹款箱 SCSimplified Chinese联合基金 They all put ten pounds into the pot for Dan's leaving present. 他们每个人出了10英镑,凑份子给丹买告别礼物。 potn(gambling: money staked)SCSimplified Chinese所有人押下的全部赌注 ...
jam1. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: jamb,jambe/dʒæm/n a vertical side member of a doorframe, window frame, or lining Etymology: 14thCentury: from Old Frenchjambeleg, jamb, from Late Latingambahoof, hock, from Greekkampējoint ...
3 Letter Words That Start With J jab12 jag11 jam12 jar10 jaw13 jay13 jee10 jet10 jeu10 jew13 jib12 jig11 jin10 job12 joe10 jog11 jot10 jow13 joy13 jug11 jun10 jus10 jut10 2 Letter Words That Start With J jo9 FAQ on words starting with J What are the best Scrabble words ...
ajoint ajowan ajugas ajwans akatea akeake akedah akelas akenes akhara akimbo akitas alaaps alalia alamos alands alangs alanin alants alanyl alapas alarms alarum alaska alated alates alayed albata albedo albeit albert albino albite albugo albums alcade alcaic alcids alcove aldeas aldern alders ...
北师大版高中英语选择性必修四全册课文及翻译(中英文Word) 上传人:1*** IP属地:河南上传时间:2023-09-28格式:DOCX页数:23大小:40.40KB积分:6版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩18页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...
NAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH JAKE: First Names which starts with 'j' and ends with 'e':jahnisce jaicee jaide jaime jaimee jaimie jaine jaione jamee jamie jamielee jamile jamilee jamille janae janaye jane janee janelle janene janette janice janie janiece janine janise janna...
letters and their exact placement in a word. For example, if you type “A” in the first box, the tool will return words starting with “A.” You can also enter letters in other boxes, such as the second or third, to refine your search for words with those letters in specific ...
钉牢;拥吻 vt.敲弯,扭住 clip joint 敲顾客竹杠者 clock [kl3k] v.记录一件事的时间 clone [kl4un] vi.克隆 close [kl4uz] v.关闭,结束,闭市 closing ['kl4uzi6] n.结束 adj.结束的 club [kl8b] n.俱乐部,夜总会 CMA 美国管理会计师考试 CMO 担保抵押责任 coach [k4ut5] n.四轮大马车,...
CEFR共15696个条目,一个基词下不同词性不同义项相关短语和短语动词都属于一个条目,先去除短语和短语动词条目,再去除不同词性不同义项但相同单词的重复条目,仅仅剩余6655个基词,CEFR的最高水平C2单词数量也就6655个。 a a.m. abandon abandoned ability ...
dislocate your wristv expr(suffer displaced wrist joint)SCSimplified Chinese腕关节脱臼 It's quite easy to dislocate your wrist - I did it just by taking the lid off a jam jar. dismiss[sth/sb]from your mindv expr(give no more thought to)SCSimplified Chinese不再想某事bú zài xiǎng mǒ...