An easy way to remember that the prefix anti- means “opposite” or “against” is through the word antisocial, for an antisocial person is the “opposite” of being social, or is “against” being so in her everyday conduct.Anticipate Anti-! Prefixes are key morphemes in English ...
Word formation: Derivation — prefixIn this unit, our major focus is on negative prefixes (see also Book One, Unit 8) and prepositions which mean "against, opposite to." Pay special attention to the words with such prefixes in this unit.Examples:anti/antantibody (抗体),antibiotic (抗生素),...
affix:the collective term for the type of formative that can be used when added to another morpheme.Affixes in a language are limited in number,and are generally classified into three subtypes,namely,prefix,suffix,and infix,depending on their position around the root or stem of a word.Prefixes...
the root word - 'war' in anti-war, 'love' in lovely, 'legitimate' in illegitimate, 'natal' in antenatal, 'recording' in pre-recordingNot to be confused with the 'root' which is not a word but may be a word in an older version of English or another language such as Latin (e.g ...
13、hplace of the action Noun to verbto put in or on Nto give N or to provide with Nto remove N fromto do with Nto be or act with as Nto make or change into Nto send or go by N Adjective to noun (full conversion, partial conversion)Words fully converted : a noun converted from...
anti-, ant-:antiknock(防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra-, contre-, contro-:contradiction, controflow(逆流) counter-:counterreaction, counterbalance ob-, oc-, of-, op-:object, oppose, occupy with-, withdraw, withstand 2.表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1) a-表示“在……之上”,“向……”...
(词汇学)Word Formation Ⅰ.WordFormation (词汇学)WordFormation Therearethreemajorprocessesofwordformation:derivation,compoundingandconversion.(词汇学)WordFormation (Ⅰ).Derivation:(派生)Derivationoraffixationisgenerallydefinedasaword-formationprocessbywhichnewwordsarecreatedbyaddingaprefix,orsuffix,orboth,tothe...
PrefixDefinitionExamples anti- against anticlimax de- opposite devalue dis- not; opposite of discover en-, em- cause to enact, empower fore- before; front of foreshadow, forearm in-, im- in income, impulse in-, im-, il-, ir- not indirect, immoral, illiterate, irreverent inter- between;...
prefixion/priːˈfɪkʃən/n 'prefix' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): Synonyms:affix,prefixture,title,designation,name,more... Forum discussions with the word(s) "prefix" in the title: ...
negative prefixAna-: upDicha-: in, twoEpi: on, uponPhilein: to loveLogos: word, speechAnthropos: mankindAndros: maleSophos: wiseAdelphos: brotherHarmonia:harmony Biblion: bookAnglus: EnglishSocius: companionLogos: study, scienceAnti-: against Anthropologist, anthropology, astronomer, astronomy, astr...