MailMergeDataView True と指定したウィンドウに差し込み印刷フィールドの代わりに差し込み印刷のデータが表示されます。 MarkupMode 追跡された変更の表示モードを WdRevisionsMode 表す定数を設定または返します。 値の取得と設定が可能です。 PageColor 読み取りモードでページの色を設定しま...
expression。ShowFirstLineOnly 表达返回“View”对象的表达式。 备注 如果不是大纲或主控文档视图,该属性将产生一个错误。 示例 本示例将活动窗口切换到大纲视图,并且隐藏除了正文的第一行之外所有的文本。 VB WithActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View .Type = wdOutlineView .ShowFirstLineOnly =TrueEndWith ...
wdDialogDrawSnapToGrid SnapToGrid、 XGrid、 YGrid、 XOrigin、 YOrigin、 SnapToShapes、 XGridDisplay、 YGridDisplay、 FollowMargins、 ViewGridLines、 DefineLineBasedOnGrid wdDialogEditAutoText Name、 Context、 InsertAs、 Insert、 Add、 Define、 InsertAsText、 Delete、 CompleteAT wdDialogEditCreate...
Active X controls, embedded OLR objects, and a signature line will display in the document as expected in View mode. In Edit mode, they appear as placeholders that you can delete but not edit. They can't be moved or resized in Word for the web. Advanced controls and macros are only av...
View 属性 C# 使用英语阅读添加 打印 TwitterLinkedInFacebook电子邮件 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 真要是正文文本的第一行显示在大纲视图中。 C# publicboolShowFirstLineOnly {get;set; } ...
InitViewMode :'SinglePage', ViewModeToolsVisible :true, ZoomToolsVisible :true, NavToolsVisible :true, CursorToolsVisible :true, SearchToolsVisible :true, localeChain:'en_US'}}); 转换类: packagefiletest;
VerticalTextAlignmentOnPage VerticalTextAlignmentValues View ViewMergedData ViewValues WebHidden WebPageEncoding WebSettings WidowControl Width WidthAfterTableRow WidthBeforeTableRow WordPerfectJustification WordPerfectSpaceWidth WordWrap WrapTrailSpaces WriteProtection YearLong YearShort 缩放Learn...
Consequently, a single alarm occurrence may result in two records within a given alarm sequence. To address this, we consolidate the repeated alarm records, retaining only the “start” record. Next, we proceed to eliminate chattering alarms. These alarms exhibit frequent repetitions for a brief ...
There are a couple of ways you can download Microsoft Word on your Android. You can either download the whole MS Office suite on your Android or download a single app by the nameMS Word. However, whatever method you choose, the steps are somewhat the same. ...
wdDialogInsertPageNumbers 輸入、 位置、 FirstPage wdDialogInsertPicture Name、 LinkToFile、 New、 FloatOverText wdDialogInsertSubdocument Name、ConfirmConversions、ReadOnly、LinkToSource、AddToMru、PasswordDoc、PasswordDot、Revert、WritePasswordDoc、WritePasswordDot、Connection、SQLStatement、SQLStatement1、Format...