2016-06-02 17:11 −开发板上运行可执行程序报出错误: line1: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") 解决思路: 1.编译器的问题 用arm-linux-gcc编译,可能原来是用gcc编译的。 假如是脚本,#!/bin/sh 改 #!/bin/... DBKernel ...
1.kali-linux运行python脚本时出现”word unexpected (expecting ")")“错误的解决2023-05-31 收起 前言在刚刚开始学习网络安全时候,装好了kali准备测试一下。 运行了py结尾的脚本出现了以下错误:解决方法查阅资料(其他大佬的评论)之后发现错误。 简单来说:要么将它们运行为python filename.py,要么将该行添加#!/...
用arm-linux-gcc编译出来的可执行文件clkCtl,下载到板子上,在Linux下不能运行: ./clkCtl: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") 【解决过程】 1.网上有人也遇到此问题: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") http://hi.baidu.com/dsfire/blog/item/5d922458886ad589800a188b...
/bin/wpa_supplicant: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")这个问题的原因是编译器造成的 我们在UBUNTU 环境下使⽤file命令,来查看这个环境。(因为我的单板的⽂件系统是挂载在UBUNTU上的,所以可以在UBUNTU上使⽤file命令来查看这个⽂件的信息)file wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant: ELF...
4.0/../../../../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ...
core-site.xml syntax error near unexpected token `newline' 1402 0 3 Eslint 报错:Parsing error: Unexpected token 1885 0 3 syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ',' or ')' 2239 0 1 syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION 一直找不到问题 1048 0 1 浪老师,我用...
A cross-compilation build from sources runs into the problem of internal tools like squishidl or conf failing with an "Syntax error": Compiling configure and build ... /home/user/squish-embedded/conf: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") Possible Cause and Suggested Solution Thi...
Hi, I encountered this error since version 1.0.0 extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-1.0.1/bin/cpptools: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") The language server does not start when VS code is started. Downgrading back to 0.29.0 works...
Getting this error when I run npm run local on Raspbian. Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") Gateway child process exited with code = 2 ghost self-assigned this May 15, 2017 ksaye commented Jun 30, 2017 I get the same error. Contributor WodansSon commented Jul 14, 2017 ...
应该用静态编译,我也遇到了这样的问题,现在已经解决了。arm-linux-gcc-static hello.c -o hello 把生成的hello可执行文件传到arm板上就行了,用的时候需要修改一下权限。chmod 777 hello就可以执行了