W: Yeah. but when I arrived home five minutes ago, I found that my car wouldn't start. And John is in Brighton on business, M: Do you know what's wrong with the car? W: I'm not exactly sure. I think ...
each festival related to a type of weather, like the Rain Water (the start of the spring rains), the Waking of Insects (the spring thunder awakens sleeping insects) and so on. That was useful for farmers to plan when to...
☞He is dead drunk. He’s been drinking with his friends. 他烂醉如泥,他刚才一直在和朋友们喝酒。 ③表示一个近期内时断时续、重复发生的动作 ☞You’ve been saying that for five years. 这话你已经说了五年了。 ☞He has been writing articles to the newspapers and magazines since he becam...
or brushing your teeth. Guo suggests you can start by focusing on a happy memory or imagining a future success, like scoring a goal in the World Cup. To encourage creativity, think about interesting ideas and see where your mind takes you. Research shows that people often come up with ...
We were tasked with creating a piece that captured the essence of nature. I chose to paint a large, vibrant tree surrounded by colorful flowers because it reminded me of the beauty and tranquility of the park.The experience was incredibly refreshing. Painting outdoors allowed me to observe the...
drive-thru patrons continue the seasonal tradition of paying for the car behind them (and driving off quickly so as to remain anonymous). I go to Starbucks more often just to participate (as payer, not payee). So, for whateveryouare grateful for, share that happy feeling with the people ...
Additionally, when compared to the total number of car crashes that occurred last year, the number of crashes involving driver-assistance vehicles appears relatively small, but actually it’s not. Tesla’s safety claims lack context as Autopilot is primarily designed for highways, while most ...
ThatishowIfoundmyselfontheroadwithfourkids,ababylambandnothingbutmyeverlastingoptimismtoseemethrough.Wetookthecountryroadsoutofnecessity.Wehadtostopeveryhour,letBannershkeouthislegsandfeedhim.Thekidschasedhimandoneanother.Theydgetbackinthecarbreathlessandenergized,smellingfreshfromthecoldair. Weexploredsideroads,...
A.car drivers B.rail travellers C.local investors D.ordinary taxpayers 【答案】B 23.【题干】It is indicated in 3 that train operators___. 【选项】 A.are offering compensations to commuters. B.are trying to repair relations with the unions. C....