Word renames the AutoRecover files in the case that the program hangs (stops responding) when the AutoRecover file is opened. The next time Word is started you see the following symptoms. Microsoft Office Word 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2003, and Microsoft Word 2002 Word will start with the...
you reset several options to the default settings. These include custom styles, custom toolbars, macros, and AutoText entries. We strongly recommend that you rename the template instead of deleting the Normal.dotm template or the Normal.dot ...
Enter all your letters into the search bar to see every possible word that can be generated from those letters. Words that start with... Enter an exact sequence of letters into the search bar to find all the words starting with that sequence of letters. Words that start with: A B C...
AutoText is being moved back to Normal.dotm to facilitate autocomplete. For users going from Office Word 2003 to Word 2010, we recommend that you move the document to %AppData%\Word\Startup, and then follow the steps to upgrade a document. Office Word 2007 users will find their autotext...
Microsoft Office Word 2003 introduces the Save as XML command that produces WordML documents. Later, when you double-click on an XML document produced by Word, the Windows loader automatically associates the file with Word. WordML is powerful and flexible enough to capture all of the rich ...
If your add-in works with a Word template, you can include controls in that template to enhance the behavior of the content. You can also use XML data binding in a Word document to bind content controls to data, such as document properties, for easy form completion or similar tasks. (在...
Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between the invisible gridlines that Microsoft Office Word uses when you draw, move, and resize AutoShapes or East Asian characters in the document. GridOriginFromMargin Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Microsoft Office Word starts the charac...
True for Microsoft Word to automatically replace a space entered at the beginning of a paragraph with a first-line indent. C# 複製 public bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Applies to 產品版本 Word primary interop assembly Latest ...
public bool AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Remarks If the hyphens are typed with leading and trailing spaces, Microsoft Word replaces the hyphens with an en dash; if there are no trailing spaces, the hyphens are replaced with an em dash....
IfAutoSaveis not turned on or if you want to save the document with another name, to another location, or using another format, you can save your document manually to your computer, for example. For instructions, refer toSave a document locally. Alternatively, ...