1.通过设置TableFormat.IsBreakAcrossPages属性选择是否跨页断行 2.保持表格内容在同一页面 方法1:设置属性禁止跨页断行 import com.spire.doc.*;publicclassPreventPagebreak{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){//加载测试文档Documentdoc=newDocument("test.docx");//获取表格Tabletable=doc.getSections().get(0)...
1. Select the table which breaks across two pages, and then clickLayout(underTable Tools) >Properties. See screenshot: 2. In the popping out Table Properties dialog box,(1)enable theRowtab,(2)uncheck theAllow row to break across pagesoption, and(3)click theOKbutton. See screenshot: ...
4. Show Table Header Across Pages When you have table spreading across pages, it is good idea toshow the header on all the pages. This will help reader to understand the column header without going to the top each time. Select the entire table and go to “Table Properties” dialog. Navi...
expression。AllowBreakAcrossPage 表达一个代表“TableStyle”对象的变量。 备注 为在表格行换行,跨页断行。假以使行在同一页上的所有表中的一行。 默认设置为True。 示例 本示例设置样式为“Table Grid”的表格行不在分页符处断行。 vb SubDontSplitRows() ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Grid") _ .Table.Allow...
Sets or returns anIntegerindicating whether lines in the rows of tables formatted with a specified style break across pages. C# publicintAllowBreakAcrossPage {get;set; } Property Value Int32 Remarks Setting theAllowBreakAcrossPageproperty toTruebreaks the lines in table rows across page breaks. S...
Dim docNew As Document Dim tableNew As Table Set docNew = Documents.Add Set tableNew = docNew.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, _ NumRows:=5, NumColumns:=5) tableNew.Rows(3).AllowBreakAcrossPages = False 本示例确定分页时是否可以拆分当前表格中的行。 如果插入点不在表格中,则显示一个消息...
Sub表格的行()DimtAsTableSett=ActiveDocument.Tables(3)'允许跨页断行'跨页断行就是允许一个表格中的一行在两个页面显示' t.Rows.AllowBreakAcrossPages = TrueEndSub 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 四、重复标题行 Sub表格的行()DimtAsTableSett=ActiveDocument.Tables(3)'重复标题行'当标题行为1行的时候't...
Use theAdd(Range, Int32, Int32, Object, Object)method to add a table at the specified range. Properties 展開資料表 AllowAutoFit Allows Microsoft Word to automatically resize cells in a table to fit their contents. AllowPageBreaks Allows Microsoft Word to break the specified table across pages....
Learn how to repeat table header rows across pages in a Word document using Repeat Header Rows or Table Properties.
expression.AllowBreakAcrossPages expression 必需。该表达式返回一个 TableStyle 对象。 示例 本示例新建一篇具有 5x5 表格的文档,并防止在分页时拆分表格的第三行。 Dim docNew As Document Dim tableNew As Table Set docNew = Documents.Add Set tableNew = docNew.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, _ Num...