On the Locality of Codeword Symbols. Consider a linear [n,k,d]_q code C. We say that that i-th coordinate of C has locality r, if the value at this coordinate can be recovered from accessing some other r coordinates of C. Data storage applications require codes with small r... P...
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormatAsYouType cmntrInWordMail、 ApplyStylesHeadings、 ApplyStylesHeadings、 ApplyBorders、 ApplyTables、 ApplyDates、 ApplyBulletedLists、 ApplyNumberedLists、 ApplyFirstIndent、 ApplyClosings、 ReplaceQuotes、 ReplaceOrdinals、 ReplaceFractions、 ReplaceSymbols、 ReplacePlainTextEmphasis...
This will open a quick access menu of 20 frequently used symbols to pick from. However, you can also access the full range of special characters in Microsoft Word as follows: Go toInsert>Symbolsand clickSymbolto open the menu. ClickMore Symbols…to open a new window. Scroll through until ...
AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols 如此 如果 两个连续的连字符 ( -- ) 替换为 en dash (–) 或 em 短划线 ( - ) 键入时。 AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces 如此 如果Microsoft Word 自动设置文档或区域格式时,将删除日语和西文文字之间插入空格。 AutoFormatMatchParentheses 如果Microsoft Word 在自动设置文档或...
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormat ApplyStylesLists、 ApplyBulletedLists、 ApplyStylesOtherParas、 ReplaceQuotes、 ReplaceOrdinals、 ReplaceFractions、 ReplaceSymbols、 ReplacePlainTextEmphasis、 ReplaceHyperlinks、 PreserveStyles、 PlainTextWordMail、 ApplyFirstIndent、 MatchParentheses、 ReplaceDbDashes、 ReplaceAutoSpa...
Pick a symbol or chooseMore Symbols. Scroll up or down to find the symbol you want to insert. Different font sets often have different symbols in them and the most commonly used symbols are in theSegoe UI Symbolfont set. Use theFontselector above the symbol list to pick the font you wa...
AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces AutoFormatMatchParentheses AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail AutoFormatPreserveStyles AutoFormatReplaceFarEastDashes AutoFormatReplaceFractions AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis ...
AutoFormatReplaceSymbols 如此如果当 Word 自动设置文档或区域格式时,两个连续的连字符 (-) 替换为短破折号 (-) 或一个长划线 (—)。读/写boolean 类型的值。 AutoKeyboardSwitching 如此如果Microsoft Word 会自动切换键盘语言以匹配您键入在任何给定的时间。读/写boolean 类型的值。 AutoWordSelection 如此如果拖...
AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces AutoFormatMatchParentheses AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail AutoFormatPreserveStyles AutoFormatReplaceFarEastDashes AutoFormatReplaceFractions AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis AutoFormatReplaceQuo...
symbol 5 symbolic, symbolically, symbolise, symbolised, symbolises, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols target 5 targeted, targeting, targets transit 5 transited, transiting, transition, transitional, transitions, transitory, transits trend 5 trends version 5 ...