如果无法打开文档,或者文档中的内容已损坏,请参阅如何解决 Word 中文档损坏的问题。 要查找丢失的文档: 搜索自动恢复文件 如果您订阅了 Microsoft 365,请检查以下文件夹位置的备份文件: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles ...
Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac, hover the mouse over the device where you lost an unsaved file, and click "Search for lost files". Step 2. Choose unsaved documents After the scan, click "Type", and expand "Unsaved Documents". Click the exact file type - Word, Excel, Powerp...
如無法開啟文件,或者文件內容已損壞,請參閱如何針對 Word 損壞文件進行疑難排解。 若要尋找遺失的文件: 搜尋自動回復檔案 如果您有 Microsoft 365 訂閱,請檢查以下資料夾位置以查找備份檔案: C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles ...
If you’ve accidentally closed a Word document without saving it, or your computer crashed/shut down or restarted, there are still chances you can recover it. Here are the various solutions and guides on how to recover unsaved Word document that was accidentally closed. ...
Fix 1: Recover Lost Word Document via 4DDiG Data RecoveryHow to recover a word document after computer shutdown? Opting for 4DDiG Windows Data Recovery, you choose a comprehensive and reliable tool for recovering unsaved Word documents and other valuable data. It offers a range of ...
✅Word shut down without saving on Mac. I need to recover the unsaved Word document on Mac without AutoRecovery.Unsaved Word document recovery on Mac with file recovery software 🔃My Mac shut down and restarted. I lost my Word document because Microsoft Word didn't save my changes.Recover...
"How to recover unsaved Word document, computer shut down. Can't find it in Word 2016.""Was working on a word document (Word 2016) - and while it was still open I changed the title of the folder it was located in. So a couple of minutes later, I saved and closed the word ...
Steps to recover an unsaved Word document on Mac: Step 1.Open a Finder window on your Mac. Step 2.Select the entire computer as the location. That will be searched and enter ‘AutoRecovery’ in the Search field. You will be presented with a list of files. It begins with ‘AutoRecovery...
However, if you try to open a Word document and it keeps saying that the user does not have access privileges; try the solutions mentioned below: Solution 1: Get all Word file permissions The error message usually appears if your document has been saved with certain permissions. So, it is...
Windows OS is not above crashing without any notice. As a result, Word documents can be lost very easily. In such circumstances, users never find the time or opportunity to save their documents and will worry about how to recover unsaved Word document. These steps can help...