“A number of other researchers have entered thefrayto discover the cognitive structure of everyday concepts, beliefs, theories and explanations.” Verb ▲ To wear away or cause damage through applied friction “The paper was thin and the edges were beginning tofrayfrom age.” ...
to load; burden:a story heavily freighted with private meaning. to load with goods or merchandise for transportation:It took all night to freight the ship. to transport as freight; send by freight. Middle Dutch or Middle Low Germanvrecht,variant ofvracht.Seefraught ...
EMILY: Welcome back to Word Matters. I’m Emily Brewster. We’re going to dive straight into some of the most fraught of the language’s lexical waters with the tale ofirregardless. Dun dun duuuun. It’s met with denial—"it’s not a word!”—and dread—“quick, swipe left!”—bu...
If the abbreviations ate just tricks to get straight people to accidentally support us because they get confused, I don't need that kind of support." The Advocate poll To borrow a buzz word from the national education debate, it lacks "intelligent design." It is fraught with evil intentions...
fraught frightening grave heartbreaking nightmarish vexatious worrying afflictive hellacious lamentable sad saddening shocking sour tragic tragical grievous gut-wrenching heart-rending nerve-racking nerve-wracking off-putting more ❯ “In sum, this process of recollection should occur without re-traumatizing...
fraught with or causing anxiety; worrying; distressing:an anxious time intensely desirous; eager:anxious for promotion Etymology: 17thCentury: from Latinanxius;related to Latinangereto torment; seeanger,anguish ˈanxiouslyadvˈanxiousnessn
dire 2 definitions of the word dire. Adjective Fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless Causing fear or dread or terror 2 Anagrams of Dire Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order. ired ...
Word Unscrambler Find Words Unscrambled 10 letter words 10 letter words unscrambler aardwolves abacterial abandoners abandoning abasements abashments abatements abbotships abbreviate abcoulombs abdicating abdication abdicators abdominals abducentes abductions abductores aberrances ...
dubious. fraught with uncertainty or doubt. ... susurration. an indistinct sound, as of whispering or rustling. ... onomatopoeia. using words that imitate the sound they denote. ... corpus callosum. ... toothsome. ... bibliophile.
While Christmas preparations commenced in earnest while we were still polishing off leftover Turkey sandwiches oozing with cranberry-slathered stuffing, Thanksgiving itself seemed to sneak up upon us. My mother frantic, me at her elbow, eventually side-by-side, kitchen maelstrom fraught with urgency...