to transport as freight; send by freight. Middle Dutch or Middle Low German vrecht, variant of vracht. See fraught Middle English freyght (noun, nominal) 1350–1400 freight′less, adj. 1. Freight, cargo, shipment refer to goods being transported from place to place. Freight is the general...
“A number of other researchers have entered thefrayto discover the cognitive structure of everyday concepts, beliefs, theories and explanations.” Verb ▲ To wear away or cause damage through applied friction “The paper was thin and the edges were beginning tofrayfrom age.” ...
informalout for profit or conquest slangin search of a sexual partner Etymology: Old Englishmacian;related to Old Frisianmakiato construct, Dutchmaken,Germanmachento make 'making' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):...
The business of selling fiction, whether it be books, short-stories, films or TV-series, is fraught with failure and there appears to be no rhyme or reason to these failures. As screenwriter William Goldman once famously observed, in the world of buying and selling made-up stories, ‘no-o...
Perilous is a word starting with p ending with s. Check our list ofwords starting with p ending with s. Dictionary definition of the word perilous The meaning of perilous perilous 1 definition of the word perilous. Adjective Fraught with danger ...
Word Unscrambler Find Words Unscrambled 10 letter words 10 letter words unscrambler aardwolves abacterial abandoners abandoning abasements abashments abatements abbotships abbreviate abcoulombs abdicating abdication abdicators abdominals abducentes abductions abductores aberrances ...
Fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless Causing fear or dread or terror Sponsored Links What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in dire? 4 Letter Words ired5 ride5 3 Letter Words die4 ire3 red4 rei3 rid4 2 Letter Words de3 ed3 er2 id3 re2 ...
Adjective Of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with riskWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in dicey? 4 Letter Words cedi7 dice7 iced7 3 Letter Words dey7 die4 dye7 ice5 icy8 2 Letter Words de3 ed3 id3 ye5 Words that can be created with an extra letter added to dicey...
Wordle was created by Josh Wardle, a Brooklyn software engineer. He originally made it for his partner, but released it to the public in October. On Nov. 1, only 90 people had played it. Within two months, that number had grown to 300,000 as the addictive phenomenon spread rapidly on ...
I tried taking the placeholder USFM text from here and it still errors out when trying to convert. Clearly the USFM being well formatted is not exactly the issue. However, this experience has reinforced my conviction that relying on USFM is fraught with problems, because it is a bespoke ...