A crossword puzzle is a word game where a player is given clues to guess words. Each hint leads to a word, written in rows of squares that cross each other. This means some words share some letters. Once you find a word, you are rewarded with letters of one or more words with othe...
Riddles by ThinkCube/免费 对孩子智力考验的一个app,难度变化不等。出的问题比如: “I get wet when drying. I get dirty when wiping. What am I?”(answer: towel) 解决问题赢的金币可以用来买提示,app内有广告,也有花钱买无广告的版本。 最佳搭档游戏 Boggle With Friends/免费 一个12x12的字母方块,从...
Play and learn English with word puzzle games, like “Make a Word Puzzle” , Word Search Puzzle” and “Word Lines Puzzle”, and more… English Humor Learn idioms, jokes and interesting funny facts about English language. Enjoy solving funny riddles and brain teasers and photo puzzles. Riddle...
I only had one glitch in one puzzle- the answer was "tricycle" but it wouldn't accept that. It wanted "tricylce" or some misspelled version. Anyway, thanks for everything, we appreciate your time working on new puzzles! 更多 开发人员回复 , Hey Cornisa! I really appreciate your feed...
Can You Solve the Deck of Cards Riddle? Can You Solve the Two Ships Riddle? Can You Solve This Probability Problem? Can You Solve the Mystery Box Riddle? Can You Solve the Jetpack Splashdown Riddle? How Many Rectangles and Squares Can You Find?
General knowledge word search puzzles for adults are great because they are filled with familiar words that make you feel snug and comfortable. But there might also be a few topics you're not familiar with. A hard word search puzzle filled with unfamiliar words might be just what you need,...
网络释义 1. 文字谜题 超详细图文攻略2 -... ... =〉彩色方块谜题房间 Color Block Puzzle room. =〉文字谜题Word Puzzles* 教堂 Cathedral ... baoku.yunduan.cn|基于4个网页 2. 趣味字谜 无标题文件 ... 趣味 Q&A Riddles趣味字谜Word Puzzles唇枪舌剑 Quick Quips ... ...
-- Cross Word Puzzles -- Search and swipe over the letter tiles to reveal the hidden words! Find the 10 hidden words to solve the puzzle. Need help? Use clues…
Riddles - A Tricky Word Puzzle Game!Let’s Challenge yourself with this all new word game to test your IQ and brain power skill and guess the word with this riddles game.Tons of riddles to boost up your brain power!Riddles collection of free riddles and free brain teasers for you to sol...
Kids can practice reading with this fun sight word puzzle game.Read more Share This Transportation Cryptogram Word Puzzles FREE set of 9 printable transportation cryptogram word puzzles provide fun & entertainment for ...Read more Share This ...