Right now, I’m using a free word processing software called Open Office. It works similarly to Word. The big downside is, like Scrivener, no one really does anything with Open Office. So most of the time, I transfer my documents to Google Docs for writers to critique and share their ...
So, there I was ten years ago, at my kitchen table in East Lansing; charred bits of my old life flaking off me; writing like a mad woman on the wall I had painted into a giant chalkboard for big ideas. It was handy for menu planning, thought processing, doodling and list making. I...
If you are reading this article,Please stop right now and prayfor the family and friends of the one who took his life today and for all those who are processing this tragedy. PRAY! Share this: Facebook Jesus Changes Everything March 30, 2018 Reply As a kid, I heard the story of Jesu...
processing deposit experiment bread driving carrier offering deserve email distribute log venue written salary sand brown discovery accessory analyze administrator desk wireless mind empty sin butter mainly danger patch trick segment anymore dry achievement ...