New! Word problems with change unknown - up to 20 X. New! Word problems with start unknown - up to 20 X.1 Word problems with one addend unknown - up to 20 X.2 Word problems with both addends unknown - up to 20 X.3 Use models to solve word problems involving addition...
Besides gaining, losing, and transferring objects among various entities, you can also solve word problems involving comparisons. Thecommon core standardshave many examples, including this one:Lucy has 3 fewer apples than Julie. Lucy has 2 apples. How many apples does Julie have? Word problems ca...
person who sees where you intended a “your,” but inserted an incorrect “you.” A proofer pokes the eye out of that pesky apostrophe—when an “it’s” is supposed to be an “its.” It’s not a proofreader’s job to point out deeper problems (though I sometimes can’t help it...
This page describes the Chemistry Academic Word List (CAWL), giving information on what the CAWL is, details about how it was developed, information on text coverage of the CAWL, mentions some problems with the published list, as well as giving a complete list of words in the CAWL. To exp...
They are just ‘people’, leaders yes, but not ‘in the lead’; which can of course lead to problems when persons of little integrity are involved. As ordinary people, they should not be looked upon as being different to any one else outside their circles of arte and dancing grounds. ...
I’m actually circumventing a meltdown. (I even have the words “Prevent Meltdown” written in my notes.) During, I know this is bad, really, really bad I know for days I will pay in headaches and neck problems, but there is no amount of will power that can stop it from ...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggh aaarrgh aahz aalto aamp aardvark aargh aaron aback abandon abarat abase abash abated abaton abba abbamondi abbey abbeyonehundred abbot abbott abbreviated abby abcs abdicated abduct abdul abebooks abel aberdeen aberystwyth abesbooks abet abhor abide abides...
We all need a huge extra dose of humility to admit that we don’t have the answers to solve the problems we face on earth. We like to feel we are in control and can find the answers if we try hard enough. But really, we don’t and we can’t. It is most appropriate during ...
It was an America where political parties worked together to solve problems, not cut the others throat striving for power. It was an America where the flag was respected and patriotism was exhibited, while now the flag is disrespected and patriotism is frowned upon. ...
The Romans also counted in base ten but got into all sorts of problems when they tried to write down long calculations because they never figured out the concept of ‘zero’. Just try the following calculation: (XXIV times IV) only using Roman numerals. Now do the equivalent sum in your ...