The child says her prayers every night.decir 4. to guess or estimate. I can't say when he'll return.decir noun the right or opportunity to state one's opinion. I haven't had my say yet; We have no say in the decision.opinión, voz y votoˈsaying noun something often said, ...
Indeed, the entire book, called a Corona, or crown, itself shapes an extended metaphor in which the words of prayers directed at the Virgin materialize as spiritual crowns, represented three times in the engraved illustrations. This article argues that, within the 1644 Corona, words have ...
in•ex•o•ra•ble(in ek′sər ə bəl),USA pronunciationadj. unyielding; unalterable:inexorable truth; inexorable justice. not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties:an inexorable creditor. Latininexōrābilis.Seein-3,exorable ...
Every day hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life read Daily Word magazine as they affirm and apply spiritual principles in their lives. Together, with the Silent Unity prayer ministry, we form a daily prayer group that extends throughout
had been groping for that help as if she were in the dark. Some day her fingers would touch something solid that would help her pull herself out. She was becoming aware of that Presence again – the Presence that had directed her through childhood. She went nearer to It in her prayers....
the formal expression of religious adoration; rites, prayers, etc admiring love or devotion Etymology: Old Englishweorthscipe,fromworth1+-ship ˈworshippern Worship/ˈwɜːʃɪp/n chieflyBrit preceded byYour, His,orHer:a title used to address or refer to a mayor, magistrate, or ...
It is one of the most commonly prayed prayers by people of all Christian faiths in both public and private worship. Let's pray Our Father in Heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as in Heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sinsas we...
Fr. Andres reaches out to his people with prayers for healing. The men from the villages gather for a water blessing service before construction. On Palm Sunday of this year, I received an excellent architectural plan from George Prosiliakos, whose generous services and skill captured the spirit...
These are tumultuous times, and our nation and the world desperately need prayer. This prayer guide is only a suggestion to help guide you as you pray. No matter how you chose to pray, please keep in mind that desperate times require desperate, heartfelt prayers, which are passionately cried...
Free Prayer PDFs | Available in English, Spanish and French What the Angel Gabriel wants to communicate to Mary and to us is in the wordkecharitomeneis that Mary has a unique name, a unique title, a unique role in sacred history, and so--though human--is a unique being in the econom...