英语俚语:chew是“咀嚼”, chew the fat可不是“吃肥肉”! 有趣英语俚语:He's dressed fly! 是啥意思?跟“飞”没啥关系! 有趣英语俚语:fat cat 居然不是“肥猫”,还有这层意思! 有趣英语俚语:Tom是汤姆,cat是猫,Tomcat不是“汤姆猫”! 有趣英语俚语:Sausage是“香肠”,Sausage Party是指什么? 有趣英...
Psychologyany object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation. Also,fet′ich. Portuguese, as above Latinfactīciusfactitious;replacingfatisso, fetisso Portuguesefeitiçocharm, sorcery (noun, nominal), artificial (adjective, adjectival) ...
I don't specifically recall the first time that someone called me fat, but I certainly remember the way the word made me feel. I was in elementary school, too young to realize I could possibly reclaim the word fat or understand that I didn't have to…
Emily Brewster: Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us wherever you get your podcasts, or email us at wordmatters@m-w.com. You can also visit us at nepm.org. And for the word of the day, and all your general dictionary needs, visit merriam-webster.com. Our theme...
nodejs爬虫,爬取博客园博文,关键词提取,词云. Contribute to ZhihaoJian/bokeyuan_spider development by creating an account on GitHub.
"Word up" 是一种俚语,常用于美国黑人社区和嘻哈文化中。它起源于20世纪70年代末至80年代初的美国,当时嘻哈文化如火如荼地发展着。这个短语在80年代的嘻哈音乐中出现频繁,尤其在美国东海岸的嘻哈音乐中非常流行。 "Word up" 的意...
52. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. End one’s struggle for liberty. B. Waste one’s energy taking risks. C. Miss the opportunity to succeed. D. Lose the interest to continue learning. 【学生学情分析】 ...
Well schmaltz was of course in Yiddish, it referred to rendered chicken fat that you would pour on your food. And that came in like the 1930s and right about the same time right after it started being used for the condiment, it also started being used to refer to music that was seen...
I don’t know if I mentioned this specifically, perhaps not in a letter, though maybe when we met up before I left to come and live here here for good, but part of what pushed me to make this radical life change was the need to feel that my existence had meaning, that I was spen...
Code for ACL 2018 paper "Double Embeddings and CNN-based Sequence Labeling for Aspect Extraction" - DE-CNN/data/prep_data/word_idx.json at master · howardhsu/DE-CNN