expression。Pagination 表達會傳回 'Options' 物件的運算式。 範例 本範例會設定 Word 執行幕後重新編頁。 VB Options.Pagination =True 本範例會傳回 [選項] 對話方塊 ([工具] 功能表) 中 [一般] 索引標籤上之 [幕後重新編頁] 選項的目前狀態。
expression。 Pagination表达 返回“Options”对象的表达式。示例本示例设置 Word 在后台重新分页。VB 复制 Options.Pagination = True 本示例返回"工具"菜单的"选项"对话框中"常规"选项卡上"后台重新分页"选项的当前状态。VB 复制 temp = Options.Pagination ...
Options.Pagination 属性参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 如此 如果Microsoft Word 对文档重新分页。 C# 复制 public bool Pagination { get; set; } 属性值 Boolean 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assembly Latest ...
如果为 True,则 Microsoft Word 在后台重新为文档分页。Boolean 类型,可读写。 expression.Pagination expression 必需。该表达式返回一个 Options …
The easiest way you can manage the position of automatic page breaks in your documents is by using the Pagination option. By tweaking the Pagination options, you can give specific instructions to the MS Word software. For example, you can tell it how to manage the paragraphs in your content...
With Word for the web, you can align paragraphs left, right, or centered; run text right-to-left; increase or decrease indentation; and format paragraphs as a bulleted or numbered list. There are also advanced paragraph pagination options, such as Keep with Next and Keep Lines Together. ...
With Word for the web, you can align paragraphs left, right, or centered; run text right-to-left; increase or decrease indentation; and format paragraphs as a bulleted or numbered list. There are also advanced paragraph pagination options, such as Keep with Next and Keep Lines Together. ...
Adding pagination Some books have different pagination styles between the front matter (Roman numerals) and book body (Arabic numerals). If you're unsure whether to use different pagination styles (it's not typical for novels), find books with content similar to yours to get an idea of what...
Word must complete pagination before displaying the selected text in Print Layout View. Do you wish to continue pagination? To display the text in Normal view, select No. If you click No, the repagination...
Pagination 如此如果Microsoft Word 对文档重新分页。读/写boolean 类型的值。 ParagraphAlignmentGuides 返回或设置Boolean指定是否在用户界面中显示段落对齐参考线。读写。 Parent 返回一个对象,表示指定的选项对象的父对象。 PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing 如此如果Microsoft Word 将自动调整在剪切和粘贴选定内容的段落的间距。