The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Genesis 1-11: Believing the Simple Truth of God`s WordWiersbe Warren WDavid C. Cook
这恩典是万古之先,在基督耶稣里赐给我们的(提摩太后书第1章第9节)。 v.耶稣基督信徒在创世以前就在神里面被拣选了:就如神从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵(以弗所书第1章第4节)。 e.起初,神:在创世之前的某个时候,神创造了天使,因为他们见证了天地的创造(约伯记第38...
Noachian deluge, Noah and the Flood, Noah's flood, the Flood - (Biblical) the great deluge that is said in the Book of Genesis to have occurred in the time of Noah; it was brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of human beings ...
just why this baby can be described as truly human and yet divine: ‘God’sHoly Spirit will come upon you,’he says, and‘the power of the Most High will overshadow you’. They reflect the life-giving work of God in creation (Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30), and in salvation (Ezekiel...
Noachian deluge, Noah and the Flood, Noah's flood, the Flood - (Biblical) the great deluge that is said in the Book of Genesis to have occurred in the time of Noah; it was brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of human beings ...
In Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 1:10-12 the Bible is unequivocal that the universe had a beginning. When the Bible was written many people believed the universe was eternal. Starting with the studies of Albert Einstein in the early 1900’s and continuing still today, science has confirmed the ...
f.将生气吹在他鼻孔里;人变成了一个生物:随着这种神圣的气息,人变成了一个有灵的活人,就像其他形式的动物生命一样(chay nephesh一词用于《创世记》第1章第20-21节和此处)。然而,只有人是照着神的形像被造的活人(《创世记》第1章第26-27节)。
Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start 14-day free trialLearn More Resources for Genesis 15:1-15:18 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias Commentaries Dictionaries Bible Studies Maps Overview...
Audio Bible ContextJudgment on the Jews in Egypt 1This is the word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews living in the land of Egypt— in Migdol, Tahpanhes, and Memphis— and in the land of Pathros: 2“This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: You have se...