Since then, God’s word has been taken out of context or misinterpreted countless times; sometimes in ignorance by well-meaning people and sometimes not. Peter describes how Paul wrote from the wisdom that God gave him and that “his letters contain some things that are hard to understand, ...
The meaning of WEASEL WORD is a word used in order to evade or retreat from a direct or forthright statement or position. How to use weasel word in a sentence. Did you know?
word meaning Word method word of advice Word of command Word of Faith word of farewell Word of God word of honor word of mouth word order word painting word picture word play word processing word processing system word processor word salad ...
本题考查对固定搭配的掌握。本句是说“就是这种混合语通常被旅行者们称斯基摩语。”refer to sth. as sth. 意为“把……称作……”,此句中用的是被动形式sth. is referred to as sth. 故A项为正确答案。
sbs word is their bond 一诺千金;言而有信somebody's promise can be relied on completely words to that effect 诸如此类的话;大致是这个意思的话used to show that you are giving the general meaning of what sb has said rather than the exact words v. int....
Although 'fascism' is deeply tied to Mussolini and his political party, the word has origins that harken back to ancient Rome, and saw use in Italy before the dictator's rise. Read on for more, and a debunking of a rumor about Merriam-Webster.
It has usually been assumed by the commentators that it does, and that the meaning common to both verbs (and also the words. for true and truth), that is to say, the root-meaning, is "to be.firm or sure".1 Two questions immediately arise: (i) how do we. ...
Taken from Latin and French, in English the word “manifest” originally meant “easily noticed or obvious” before it started to be used as a verb meaning “to show something clearly.” In the early 20th century it...
In this program, we explore the meaning of a word you heard in the recording: the pronoun "that". And we will look at how Americans use this word in everyday speech. You might be surprised how often Americans use i...