美国方言协会的年度之字非常特别,因为除了年度之字(Word of the year)之外,还选出最有用、最有创意,最没必要、最粗 … www.lis.ntu.edu.tw|基于32个网页 2. 年度词汇 ...息》第11版转载(节选)并翻译了《洛杉矶时报》的《年度词汇》(Word of the year),其中From Wall Street to Main Stree… ...
“If computers were suddenly experts in that most human of domains, language, what next? Cue an explosion of debate, scrutiny, and prediction, and more than enough justification for Collins’ 2023 Word of the Year: AI,” the statement continues. 声明中写道:“如果计算机突然成为语言这一最人性化...
Word of the Year 2022年已经接近尾声,每年年末,各大词典都会推出其年度词汇(Word of the Year),今年的又是什么呢? 我们一起来看看吧。 1 《柯林斯英语词典》 《柯林斯英语词典》编纂机构揭晓英国2022年度词汇:“长久危机”(permacrisis)。 该词是“长久的(p...
In an age of deepfakes and post-truth, as artificial intelligence rose and Elon Musk turned Twitter into X, the Merriam-Webster word of the year for 2023 is "authentic". 在深伪技术和后真相时代,伴随人工智能的崛起以及埃隆·马斯克变twitter为X,2023年...
故选A。2.B根据第二段中的“This tells us that climate change wasa widely-discussed issue in 2019."可知,气候变化是2019年被广泛讨论的话题。由此推知 Word of the Year指的是年度讨论最多的话题。故选B。3.D根据第四段中的“Climate change has already affectedthe world in many ways."可知,本段...
【题目】Word of the Year (S)AThe Oxford English Dictionary , called OED for short, has been unable tonam t radtoa wor oftheyearfr 202,nseadtexpo(expor) how frand how quickly the language has developed this year."It quickly became apparent that 2020 is not a year that could neatly be...
Hello everyone,welcome to WendyEnglishTimes。欢迎来到Wendy的英语时光。2022年即将走到终点,今天我们要来聊一聊2022年年度词汇Word Of The Year For 2022。 The words of the year are typically selected by dictionaries based on search data, with the winning word deemed to reflect the “mood or preoccupa...
Word of the year:climate change年度词汇:气候变化 Which topic drew the most attention from people around the world in 2019? It was climate change,according to three well-known English dictionaries. The Oxford, Collins and Cambridge dictionaries chose"climate emergency""climate strike(罢工)"and"...
How to use the word of the Year 2022? 优雅youya is a positive word, so if you want to praise someone who stays calm under tough circumstances, but not in a very formal setting, feels free to use it. Examples are: 老师你得了新冠,还来给我上课,真是优雅啊!