Why Dictionary.com chose chichi More about chichi First recorded in 1905–10. From French chichi; possibly related to the French word chiche, meaning “a small thing or trifle.” EXAMPLES OF CHICHI A silk scarf is sometimes chichi but undeniably elegant. The CEO bought a designer townhouse ...
Build your vocabulary: get a new word every day from Merriam-Webster dictionary. Learn the meaning, history, and fun facts about Transpire. Also available as podcast, newsletter, and on the finest social networks.
Why Dictionary.com chose beek More about beek First recorded between 1200–50. Possibly from the Middle English word beken, akin to bake. EXAMPLES OF BEEK It’s so cozy to beek in front of the fireplace after a day of skiing. On sunny days, we can see many lizards beeking in the ...
Word of the Day 97 pages: [1]234567...Last Word of the Day TopicsTopic StarterRepliesViewsLast Post monitionDaemon04Todayat 12:00:00 AM byDaemon atonementDaemon3259Yesterdayat 12:26:20 PM byEmel Rapchan reekDaemon4278Friday, January 10, 2025 2:15 PM...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
Learn a new word every day. TODAY el hipo hiccups EXAMPLES Me tomé una soda y ahora tengo hipo.—I drank a soda, and now I have the hiccups. February 24, 2025 invernar to winter EXAMPLES Los gansos de Canadá invernan en los Estados Unidos.—Canada geese winter in the United States...
The Word of the Day dictionary content (pronunciation, definitions and example sentences) is powered by Oxford Languages. An in-house editorial team is here to delight you with cool new word features every single day. That’s 365 beautifully narrated and illustrated word stories a year. ...
Charles Hockett, the esteemed author of the best-selling introduction to linguistics of the time, walked into the men's room one day and a graduate student, recognizing him, offered him the last free urinal that he had just taken. Hockett replied, "No, that's OK. We're all peers here...
Do you want to enrich your dictionary with the words that you often hear? Word of the day is the app for you! Every day you will have at hand a new word with its meaning and you can display it within the application, in the notification center, or on your Apple Watch. ...
BATTER defined: 1: to hit (something or someone) forcefully many times in a way that causes much damage or injury; 2: — often used figuratively