“奥斯汀里弗斯……在第四季度的复出中尝试发挥,但被证明为徒劳的。"… anyone who's ever traded in the familiar role of wedding guest for the alien role of wedding focal point will know how futile an effort it is to remember events clearly. At this point, the night lives on for me through...
Word of the Day : November 16, 2024 steadfast adjective STED-fast Someone described as steadfast is very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause. Steadfast is also used to describe somethin...
这个词最早的用法是在16世纪中叶,用来形容那些勤奋努力的人。 大约一个世纪后,这个词在今天更普遍地被应用:作为形容词,描述需要耗大量的时间和精力的任务和事务。Word Family Quiz What is the meaning of English oeuvre, a borrowing from a French word derived from Latin opera?
16世纪最早出现在英语中时,heyday「全盛期」被用作表达兴高采烈或惊奇的感叹词(类似于我们衍生出的单词“hey”)。在几十年之内,heyday「鼎盛期」就将其视为一个名词,表示“high spirits「兴高采烈」”。这种感觉可以在《哈姆雷特》第三幕第四个场景中看到,当时丹麦王子告诉他的母亲:“You cannot call it...
August 16, 2021 Word of the Dayrupture /ˈrʌptʃɚ/ noun plural ruptures A rupture in a water pipe Definition of RUPTURE 1 [count, noncount] : a crack or break in something (such as a pipe) A rupture in the pipeline resulted in major water damage. medical 2 a : ...
'Croatian Word of the Day' is: - Daily widget with new word - A wide range of academic, obscure, and challenging vocabulary - Only trustful sources - Like for a word you don't want to forget - Simple examples and clear usage
The meaning of GUIDE WORD is either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.
Stay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news. Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. A surge of young voters contributed to the surprise performance...
按照王室的传统,凯特和威廉要留下婚礼蛋糕中的一层用于第一个孩子的洗礼,但他们选择在三个孩子的洗礼上都用婚礼蛋糕招待宾客,可见当初的婚礼蛋糕被留下了好几层。 “洗礼”怎么说? Word of the Day 下图为图片格式~ 大家可以保存下来噢~
16, 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridgedeffloresce. bloom2(blo̅o̅m),USA pronunciation[Metalworking.] n. Metallurgya piece of steel, square or slightly oblong in section, reduced from an ingot to dimensions suitable for further rolling. ...