to feel or show sympathy:Believe me, I can sympathize with her situation. to express compassion for someone in order to comfort:He tried to sympathize with her over the loss of her father. to have the same or similar feeling as (a person, group, etc.):They sympathize with the mayor in...
The congregation sang the hymn 'O mother of sorrows, who sorrows for all'. 教堂信众演唱了悲痛圣母颂歌。 sorrow over[sth/sb]vi + prepliterary(feel sad about)SCSimplified Chinese因为…悲伤, 因为…伤心 This poor woman is sorrowing over the loss of her husband. ...
The father started asking him 47 questions about his classes, teachers and 48 . After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, 49 I am here today?” The boy 50 , “to check my grades?”“No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are the ...
Thepossiblereasonfortheconnectionbetweenloveandhigherriskofdepressionforgir lsis“lossofself” . Accordingtothestudy , eventhoughboyswouldsay“losethemselvesinaromanticrelationship” , this“lossofself”ismuchmorelikelytoleadtodepressionwhenithappenstogirls.Younggi rlswhohaveromanticrelationshipsusual...
loss risk, average regulation, standard policy; experiment motivation campaign, disaster tutor, coach training experience interest curiosity coin secret seed insect method privilege threat exception competition, affair, bill; relatives sympat...
Miller’s father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary, attracted like so many others by the “Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early l930s. Miller’s most famous play, Deat...
4.Weexpressedoursympathy (同情)forherloss. 5.I’vecometoaskyoutodomeafavour (恩惠). 6.Tombegantosweepthepiecesofglassupintoapile (堆). 7.Inmyopinion,yourideaissoabsurd (荒谬的)thatIcan’thelplaughing. 8.Ireallyenvy (羡慕)youandyourwife—youseemsohappytogether. 9.Kenagreedtoaccompany...
HEREis “Of the Father’s Love Begotten,” beautifully presented by the Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne) Kantorei. The words below are not exactly the words they sing. Of the Father’s love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, ...
42. to yield, weigh, or grow to: This field will go two bales of cotton. 43. to assume the obligation or function of: His father went bail for him. 44. Informal. to say; remark (usu. used in recounting a conversation). 45. Informal. to endure or tolerate: I can't go his pr...
Section Grammar被动语态1教材P10Robots are programmedprogramme and controlled by a puter.2教材P11It was going to be testedtest ou