"And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day sta
A thriving prophetic church with a vision to impact the world with the gospel, Zoe continued to develop the facets of ministry under Bishop Jordan’s leadership that marked it as a church in pursuit of destiny; called to fulfill the will of the Lord. ...
Define Word of Faith. Word of Faith synonyms, Word of Faith pronunciation, Word of Faith translation, English dictionary definition of Word of Faith. n a modern version or, according to some, perversion of the gospel according to which the full blessings
She is an anointed worship leader, holds a Degree in Theology and has a deep a desire to see others come into full understanding of the word in action. Josh is an entrepreneur who also operates in the gifts of prophecy and healing. He leads an inspiring business leadership network and co...
World Prophecy DAILY CHRISTIAN NEWS WORLD CHRISTIAN NEWS House Church Leaders Once Pardoned, Re-Arrested in Iran Two Christians in their 60s, who were "pardoned" and released after serving a combined six years in prison for leading house churches in Iran, have been re-arrested, a non-profit ...
An essay is presented which offers a brief overview of the book of Revelation. It explores the essence of the message that prophet John has written on his prophecy to convey to the seven churches of Asia. It also mentions the opening of the seven seals in the chapters 6-7 of the book ...
You can also watch live on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/@CommunityChurchLudington. Visit our website for the full order of worship at https://www.commch.com/ Posted onDecember 6, 2024 December 8: Isaiah’s Prophecy of Jesus ...
Welcome to Preserved Word Ministries. We preach and promote Biblical Christianity and Bible prophecy, as it is found in the inspired, preserved word of God, the King James Bible. In doing this, we expose trends leading to the rise of the antichrist and the development of global government, ...
WORD Center Ministries I Wait for the LORD, My Soul Does Wait, and in His Word Do I Hope.Psalm 130:5 YouTube
Abuses of the Gift of Prophecy; What the Gift is Not! The gift of prophecyisn’tto be used as a personal prophecy to others – NEVER! Years ago, my wife and I were fellowshipping at a small church nearby. A personal friend and pastor invited me to be his associate because of his ...