Yesterday was International Women’s Day. Their web site says it is “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.” Their 2017 campaign theme is #BeBoldForChange. The ten values they claim to espouse are: Justice. Dignity. Hope. Equality. Colla...
In the light of the above we need to embrace the importance of the Church as part of god’s plan for our salvation and edification. We have not been able to look at all the significant marks of the Church in this post, we must not forget the importance of evangelism and discipleship b...
I have set down my preliminary courses that will be offered. There’s 42 of them currently. They range from the practicals of discipleship to the nitty-gritty of theology and the biblical languages. I cover every book in the Bible, every area of theology, the biblical languages, and a fe...
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and i...
Congratulations toKara Powellwith Jen Bradbury and Brad GriffinandZondervanfor the November 7th release ofFaith Beyond Youth Group: Five Ways to Form Character and Cultivate Lifelong Discipleship. Most typical youth ministries today produce nice, obedient kids who behave themselves—and then leave the ch...
level the importance of a prayer for every meeting and follow-up prayer. So, focused prayer is the biggest take away for me. I feel very blessed to have been introduced to Kingdom Advisors through John and I look forward to adding what I’ve learned to my ongoing discipleship with others...