會傳回代表 Normal 範本的 Template 物件。語法expression。 NormalTemplateexpression 代表Application 物件的變數。範例本範例會從 Normal 範本中,名為"Test"的自動圖文集項目此項目會插入 AutoTextEntries 集合中。VB 複製 For Each entry In NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries If entry.Name = "Test" Then entry....
返回一个 Template 对象,该对象代表 Normal 模板。语法expression. NormalTemplate表达式是必需的。 一个代表“全局”对象的变量。示例如果此项包含在 AutoTextEntries 集合中,则本示例插入为 Normal 模板中,从"Test"自动图文集词条。VB 复制 For Each entry In NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries If entry.Name = "...
使用Templates(index) (其中index是模板名称或索引号)返回单个Template对象 索引号表示模板在Templates集合中的位置。 NormalTemplate使用 属性可返回引用 Normal 模板的模板对象。AttachedTemplate使用 属性可返回附加到指定文档的模板。 DefaultFilePath[WdDefaultFilePath]使用 属性可以确定用户或工作组模板的位置 (,即要存储...
返回一个 Template 对象,该对象代表 Normal 模板。 expression.NormalTemplate expression 必需。该表达式返回“应用于”列表中的一个对象。 示例 如…
Before getting straight on how to fix Word cannot open the existing file normal.dotm error, it's essential to first understand what is this and why this error appears. 1. What Is Normal.dotm? Normal.dotm is a template file in Microsoft Word that serves as the default for new documents....
Note This behavior occurs even if thePrompt to save Normal templatecheck box is selected. When you try to start an Office program, you receive an error message that is similar to one of the following: visual c++ run...
返回一个 Template 对象,该对象表示 Normal 模板。 C# 复制 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Template NormalTemplate { get; } 属性值 Template 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assembly Latest 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 本文内容 定义 适用于 ...
After you upgrade to Microsoft Word 2013 from an earlier version of Word, customization to the Normal template is lost. Cause This issue occurs because Word creates a new Normal.dotm file when you upgrade to Word 2013. This is so that the default document template is optimized for Word 2013...
Normal.dotm is the default template that Word uses when creating new documents. First you will need to locate this file. In Word go to Preferences->File Locations->User Templates->Location. Note the location it lists, and check the permissions on this file. ...
Demotes the specified paragraph or paragraphs to body text by applying the Normal style. OutlinePromote() Applies the previous heading level style (Heading 1 through Heading 8) to the specified paragraph or paragraphs. Previous(Object) Returns the previous paragraph as a Paragraph object. Reset(...